Friday, February 06, 2009

Jack Smith Comic Rants

Got a ranting comment (or, should I more precisely say "comic rant")from an "Anonymous" blogger who signed a name at the bottom of the post. It said, "Jack Smith - Working Class." I didn't post the comment, but decided to check - via Yahoo - just to see how many of the same comment was posted at other blogs.

Lo and behold! It's a goldmine!

Yahoo search for first few words of the comment results:

I AM SO ANGRY. Tom Daschle and Nancy Killefer are two of the finest and most competent public servants

A google search of the same phrase brings up these results:

I AM SO ANGRY! etc. rant

Here's what you get when you type in "Jack Smith - Working Class" into google search:

Jack Smith...blah blah blah this "Jack Smith" busy posting at all of these blogs or what?

Oh...but wait! We find out more about "Jack Smith" from past blog post comments! (The link had a LOT of foul language comments, so I didn't post the link here.)

- Sun, May 11, 2008 - 5:43 pm

If you think like Barack Obama, that WORKING CLASS PEOPLE are just a bunch of “BITTER”!, STUPID, PEASANTS, Cash COWS!, and CANNON FODDER. :-(

You Might Be An Idiot!

If you think Barack Obama with little or no experience would be better than Hillary Clinton with 35 years experience.

You Might Be An Idiot!

If you think that Obama with no experience can fix an economy on the verge of collapse better than Hillary Clinton. Whose husband (Bill Clinton) led the greatest economic expansion, and prosperity in American history.

You Might Be An Idiot!

If you think that Obama with no experience fighting for universal health care can get it for you better than Hillary Clinton. Who anticipated this current health care crisis back in 1993, and fought a pitched battle against overwhelming odds to get universal health care for all the American people.

You Might Be An Idiot!

If you think that Obama with no experience can manage, and get us out of two wars better than Hillary Clinton. Whose husband (Bill Clinton) went to war only when he was convinced that he absolutely had to. Then completed the mission in record time against a nuclear power. AND DID NOT LOSE THE LIFE OF A SINGLE AMERICAN SOLDIER. NOT ONE!

You Might Be An Idiot!

If you think that Obama with no experience saving the environment is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose husband (Bill Clinton) left office with the greatest amount of environmental cleanup, and protections in American history.

You Might Be An Idiot!

If you think that Obama with little or no education experience is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose husband (Bill Clinton) made higher education affordable for every American. And created higher job demand and starting salary’s than they had ever been before or since.

You Might Be An Idiot!

If you think that Obama with no experience will be better than Hillary Clinton who spent 8 years at the right hand of President Bill Clinton. Who is already on record as one of the greatest Presidents in American history.

You Might Be An Idiot!

If you think that you can change the way Washington works with pretty speeches from Obama, rather than with the experience, and political expertise of two master politicians ON YOUR SIDE like Hillary and Bill Clinton..

You Might Be An Idiot!

If you think all those Republicans voting for Obama in the Democratic primaries, and caucuses are doing so because they think he is a stronger Democratic candidate than Hillary Clinton.

Best regards

jacksmith… Working Class

p.s. You Might Be An Idiot!

If you don’t know that the huge amounts of money funding the Obama campaign to try and defeat Hillary Clinton is coming in from the insurance, and medical industry, that has been ripping you off, and killing you and your children. And denying you, and your loved ones the life saving medical care you needed. All just so they can make more huge immoral profits for them-selves off of your suffering…

You see, back in 1993 Hillary Clinton had the audacity, and nerve to try and get quality, affordable universal health care for everyone to prevent the suffering and needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of you each year.

Approx. 100,000 of you die each year from medical accidents from a rush to profit by the insurance, and medical industry. Another 120,000 of you die each year from treatable illness that people in other developed countries don’t die from. And I could go on, and on…


p.s. I have been under heavy attacks for some time now. But it wont stop me.

Oh....I GET IT NOW! It's one of those SNL comedy skits...right? I mean, come on! There are just TOO MANY LIES about the Clintons in there to be taken seriously...correct? However, the guy may have been a bit prophetic about Obama.


P. S. - Earth to Jack? About your rant against the House Republicans not voting for the StimuWASTE SPENDING bill. Did you forget that 11 Democrats in the House voted against it too? Ahhh...just slipped your liberalism is a mental disorder mind perhaps? Thanks for the laughs...though.

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