Friday, July 22, 2005

The Commercial Aired!

Hey Folks!

The commercial that my daughter was in for Mercury Insurance finally aired! She's in it for all of 4 or 5!

That's show business.

We are hoping that maybe they will use more of the footage shot for a future Mercury commercial. The original story board shown to us by the director was nothing like the finished product. Apparently, this is typical.

My husband took her to see a Jack in the Box commercial shoot several weeks before she learned that she was chosen for the Mercury commercial. The same thing happened. They shot all day and only a small portion of the footage was actually used in the commercial.

Just thought I'd let my friends here know that we finally got to see her driving that red Toyota Solara convertible in the commercial!


Jojo said...

That is so cool! I bet she was excited. I wonder if they will show that commercial in IN?

Christinewjc said...

Thanks Jojo! We taped it and watched it a few times. Those seconds pass by so quickly! I heard that it may only air on cable stations and local stations in CA. We saw it on Fox 6 and I heard that Mercury Insurance commercials also are shown on the USA cable channel. My friend saw it on Fox 6 late Thursday night. I had a tape recording from 11 p.m. to 1 p.m. and we got a recording of it last night. Her 5 seconds of fame! At least now she has some experience to put on her resume for future auditions!

Christinewjc said...

Hey Jojo,

More good news! My daughter received an email that stated that Mercury Insurance will be using her photos in web and print ads. They are sending her additional compensation (as per her contract agreement) for this! We are very excited about this new development! When I spot an ad, I'll tell you where it was published so you can see it!

Hope you are doing well...will be back online more often in a few days.
