Saturday, June 09, 2007

Are You Controversial?

Jonathan Falwell asks the question, "Are You Controversial?" in his latest article over at WorldNetDaily.


This week, a local television station conducted an interview with me and asked an interesting question: Am I going to be as controversial as was my father?

My answer was this: "If your definition of controversial is that we are going to continue to speak to the issues of the day, speak out against abortion, speak out in favor of traditional marriage, speak out in favor of the family, then I can assure you we will be."

After that interview, I began to think about that question and my answer.

And it suddenly dawned on me that, in this modern culture that largely encourages secularism and hazy diversity, you really cannot be an effective Christian without being controversial.

If we embrace the Word of God and its standards for Christian conduct, we are going to unavoidably find ourselves at odds with the mainstream.

In this regard, my father wasn't really controversial at all. He was just a Christian following the tenets of the Bible.

Also this week, I read a report from Planned Parenthood Federation of America showing the organization had conducted 264,943 medical or surgical abortions in its facilities during 2005 (or 5,095 per week).

Those are shocking numbers. And I believe, as Christians, we must speak out against this continuing American holocaust

Yep...that's exactly what it is...the continuing American holocaust.

I knew that "Planned Infanticide" was truly an evil organization, but the more I learn about it the more disgusted I become!


In Psalm 139:13, the psalmist writes, "… thou has covered me in my mother's womb" (KJV). The NIV translates this passage, "… you knit me together in my mother's womb."

What a beautiful image of a sovereign God at work in our lives from our very inception.

How can we not, then, as Christians, oppose abortion that halts the heartbeat of innocent babies who are in communion with their Maker?


So be it.

Let's add to the controversy.

Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, a great pro-life organization, is an expert on Planned Parenthood and has authored books and articles about the organization. He studied the aforementioned Planned Parenthood report, which shows a total income of $902.8 million dollars, a record number for the organization.

"Once again, Planned Parenthood took in much more money than it needed," Mr. Sedlak stated. "This marks the 34th year in a row that Planned Parenthood has reported 'excess revenue' – otherwise known as profit. Over the years, Planned Parenthood has reported total profits of over $700 million. It has amassed a treasure chest of assets worth $839.8 million."

But the controversy continues.

That's because a key Planned Parenthood revenue source is the American taxpayer, with the organization receiving taxpayer funds totaling $305.3 million, "a whopping $32.6 million (12 percent) more than last year," as Mr. Sedlak noted. Taxpayer money now accounts for 34 percent of Planned Parenthood's income.

This is a national disgrace.

With Planned Parenthood suffering losses in donations, taxpayers – you and me – are being compelled by our government to fund this organization that is killing more than 5,000 babies a week.

Abortion is murder. Period. End of story. Planned Parenthood is nothing like it's chosen title. It is more like Planned Profiteers at the horrible expense of dead babies.



American Holocaust.

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