Dear Readers,
I didn't want to post about the following subject, but after praying, reading, and thinking long and hard about it, I felt the Lord leading me to share my thoughts. First of all, please understand that I am not doing this for sensationalism purposes or to hurt, condemn, mock or disparage people. I don't like it when others do such things towards Christians (you will see such activity in the cut and paste link below), so I am going to try and be more sensitive in my rhetoric on this issue. I want to be clear that as a follower of Jesus Christ, I know that I am involved in a war here on this earth for the souls of people to repent and turn to Christ. If I am not honest about subjects that are highly controversial in nature, what good would I be as an ambassador for Christ?
I have several links to share and it might be advisable for you to read them in order.
#1 link:
GCMWatch: Transgender Women and the Bible.
#2 link:
GCMWatch: God is not the Author of Gender Confusion Part 1.
There are young people today who have been brain-washed (more like brain-dirtied) into believing that whatever a person desires to do with his or her body - that's O.K. and normal. Well, they apparently have not been reading their Bibles.
Excerpt from Link #1:
One may ask what made three males change their sex to females? The world system declares there are five genders: heterosexual men, heterosexual women, homosexual men, homosexual women, and transsexuals or transgender (those who undergo sex change operations). Not only do the opinions and philosophies of the world system influence individuals to undergo sex-change operations, it also reinforces the vain imaginations of a individual to desire to have a sex change. A perverse spirit deceives them into receiving the satanic lie that they are really a woman inside of a man’s body or man trapped inside a woman’s body.
How would one deal with transgender people and the Word of God from a biblical Judeo-Christian view? We just can’t stop at Romans 1:27 or Leviticus 18:22. However, Deuteronomy 23:1 says, ” He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.” The Word of God takes a stance against the sons of the children of Israel to not engage in in practice of Baal and Asherah. They were not to perform worship that involved males crushing their testicles between two rocks and castrating themselves to transform into female priestesses of Asherah called Qedshtu. These transsexuals would engage in anal sex (sodomy) with other male worshipers, or ritualistic sex acts with artificial phalli. These castrated men lived, dressed, and acted like they were female.
The ancient pagan nations across the world reflect transsexual women. This can be seen in ancient Babylonian kurgarru where individuals called the muxe of the Yucantan of Mexico, the hijra (even currently) in South Asia. The ancient gallae of Greek and Roman society were priestesses of the goddess Cybele. These “priestesses” were males who castrated themselves with a knife, sword, or a sharp object. They also wore women’s clothing, danced in a femmine manner, wore their hair like a female, spoke like a female, perfumed themselves, and behaved in ways of women of that time [source].
Under the dispensation of the Mosaic Law, a male who purposely castrated himself or crushed his testicles could not enter into the congregation of the Lord. However, under the dispensation of Grace, a person who has fallen for the satanic lie and deception to believe God made a mistake when assigning their biological gender need to first repent before they can enter the kingdom of God. It takes more than just to believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. After all, the devils believe in one God and tremble (James 2: 19). In addition, they cannot come snot-nosed and crying like that kind of fake repentance would move God. Hebrews 12:16-17 says,
”Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.”
You can see that such behavior is unacceptable to God via His Word. However, any person can be forgiven of their sins when they repent and ask forgiveness at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ.
The problem today is the fact that many people misconstrue the reasons why Christians point to transgenderism as a disorder. Here is a copy of a letter that I recently sent to Dr. Keith Ablow about his discussion with Megyn Kelly at the Fox News Channel regarding "Chaz" Bono:
Dear Dr. Ablow,
I wanted to write and thank you for attempting to support parent's rights to keep their young children from being exposed to transgender celebration on Dancing With The Stars (DWTS). I was disappointed that Ms. Kelly wouldn't let you finish your answers. The fact is, God made them (us) male and female. Transgenderism is a DISORDER that should not be celebrated on a major family television show. Children will be exposed to the fact that "Chaz" was once the little blonde girl of Sonny and Cher Bono and now has chosen to savage the body she was born with and misuse medical procedures to try and change her sex.
DWTS always does a long biography about each contestant. There is no way to keep the children from confusion (and outright disgust when they learn of this) about this issue, and using a favorite family T.V. show to claim that "Chaz" Bono is a "star" just because she wants to be a man is a terrible manipulation of the majority of the public view that God made them male and female.
Also, the truth is that many of the people that Ms. Kelly touts as "experts" have a politically liberal agenda skewing their research. Does she even realize that? I doubt it. Her making a claim that you are spreading "hatred" is despicable! She should be ashamed of herself and she should apologize to you.
You expressed a medically guided opinion that differs from her uninformed
opinion. And, it is obvious that she gathered her talking points from other people's opinion(s).
If my children were still young and fans of DWTStars, I would keep them from viewing the show until "Chaz" is voted off. In fact, even though I love the show, I might boycott the show until she is off of it and no longer can have the evil ability to influence the fragile minds of young children towards her celebration of an obvious disorder.
Take a look at the brief reply that I received today:
Thank you for your comments!
Well, I guess the exclamation point at the end could be considered as a positive reply towards my comment.
I tried to find the video clip of Dr. Ablow and Ms. Kelly, but all I found was
an article in favor of Ms. Kelly's view. Figures. It originally was written for "The Human Rights Campaign" - a liberal bastion of LGBQT celebration.
Update: Found link to a commentary written by Dr. Keith Ablow at Fox
Fox Don't Let Your Kids Watch Chaz Bono on Dancing With The Stars
If you are a Christian, what are your thoughts about this issue?
The third link requires a copy and paste effort on your part. Don't let the title of the post fool you. As you will see when you get to the link, it's not about "Christians mocking gays..." Quite the opposite.
I could not, in good conscience, post a direct link to the photo essay because it is absolutely blasphemous, disgusting, and terribly derogatory towards Jesus Christ by homosexual perverts.
WARNING!!! The photos are extremely crude and show exhibitionist male nudity. The entire event is put on to mock the Person of Jesus Christ and the written language is very disgusting and highly offensive. The entire shebang is nothing less than pornographic.
But I thought that it was necessary to show you (any of you who are brave enough to view the photos and the "contest" that is going on there) what the media of mass deception will not broadcast. Why? Because they want viewers to think that homosexuality, lesbianism, bi-sexuality, questioning youth, transvestite activity, and transgenderism are all normal, natural, and the type of lifestyle(s) to be celebrated.
Sadly, the author didn't have any complaint regarding the blasphemy against Jesus Christ. Here is what he/she wrote:
As you will soon see in the report below, Hunky Jesus is intentionally as blasphemous as possible, an over-the-top religious-themed sexual beauty contest steeped in mockery of Christians and Christian beliefs.
Now, you might think, considering how I started this report, that I’m opposed to the Hunky Jesus contest and everything it stands for. But you couldn’t be more wrong.
I actually like Hunky Jesus; I’m not a Christian, nor am I religious in the slightest, so the “blasphemy” doesn’t bother me one bit.
No, what bothers me is the double standard. In San Francisco (and places like San Francisco, including most newsrooms and TV studios), it’s perfectly acceptable to mock Christians. But to turn the tables and mock gays in a similar way is considered totally beyond the pale; a hate crime; bullying; bigotry and oppression of the worst kind.
If the story as I originally titled it was true (“Christians mock gays at shocking Easter service“), it would indeed have been national news. But when the reverse happens — silence. And what this tells me is that our society is currently enduring a condition of mass rank hypocrisy.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Since the gay community has carte blanche to mock Christians (as proven here), then the reverse should also be true — Christians should be free if they so choose to publicly mock gays or the stereotypical gay lifestyle. Why not? Neither side may like the mockery, but fair is fair.
To be consistent, we should either allow even-handed free speech for (and against) everyone — or ban all critical speech whatsoever. And that second option is the road to totalitarianism (not to mention being unconstitutional), so Option 1 it must be: free speech for all.
As you will see in the photos and videos below, the gay community is very, very good at dishing it out. But can they take it? The moment anyone attempts the slightest mockery or put-down of stereotypical “gayness,” an entire class of professional victimologists and whiners and lawyers go apoplectic; no criticism or mockery is allowed!
This double-standard (and similar double-standards — take your pick) is destroying our national soul.
The author is right that such perversion destroys our national soul (and individual souls). But the fact that the author is complaining only because of free speech and hypocrisy cuts against the wisdom of God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and His written Word, the Bible.
Recall what I wrote earlier:
Pagan groups and the media want viewers to think that homosexuality, lesbianism, bi-sexuality, questioning youth, transvestite activity, and transgenderism are all normal, natural, and lifestyle(s) to be celebrated.
The Bible tells us otherwise.
Pastor DL Foster sums it up quite well
in the link at the beginning of this post:
True repentance is a change in someone’s thinking and behavior from unrighteousness to righteousness. In order to repent, one must totally abandon the practice of sin in one’s lifestyle. Jesus, during his earthly ministry after forgiving someone of their sins, told them to go and sin no more.
A perfect example of someone repenting from living as a transgender person is KK Hofeling. KK Hofeling had a sex change to become a transgender woman. KK, in late November of 2000, had a dream about going to Hell. He awoke from the dream and heard the Lord say, “If you don’t repent, I have no choice but to send you there.” After reading the scripture and experiencing dreams and visions, KK was 100 percent convinced that the Lord wanted him to revert back to being a male [source].
Shows like VH1′s, “Transform Me” are a satanic evangelistic programs to entice the world to believe a lie! It is Satan’s attempt to glamorize perversion to further carry mankind down the road of eternal damnation. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must carry the life-giving evangelistic message to a dying world and rightly divide the Word. The Church must tell the world that the power of God is more than capable of delivering a person from living as a transgender woman or transgender man. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says, “Know ye not that the unrighteousness shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind. Nor thieves, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall not inherit the kingdom of God? And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God.” A transgender person cannot inherit the kingdom of God unless they first repent of their sins, and receive the gift of Salvation by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8). It is only then that the Holy Spirit will regenerate and sanctify them.
Remember God created male and female (Genesis 1:27), don’t believe Satan’s lie of five genders male, female, gay, lesbian, and transgender you can lose your soul if you reject the truth of God’s Word.
Hat tips to all links.
More discussions on the "Chaz" Bono controversy:
The Fans Voice Anger With ABC Over Transexual Chaz Bonos Inclusion on Dancing With The Stars.
Look at the results (as of 7:45 p.m. PT) of a poll that asked people visiting The Blaze what if they think it was a good decision to have a trangender advocate on this family show:
Thank you for voting!
Yes, absolutely. 9.46% (743 votes)
I have mixed feelings. 9.46% (743 votes)
No way. 81.08% (6,370 votes)
Total Votes: 7,856
Over 500 comments there, too!