Monday, July 21, 2008

HYPE: The Obama Effect

Citizens United Productions has a documentary coming out soon called HYPE: The Obama Effect. At the link, you can view a 30 second commercial and a four minute trailer.

I like what The Patriot Room had to say about it:

Citizens United Productions has a new movie coming out aiming straight at the Messiah. Looks like the right may not stay home this fall after all.

From the Citizens United website:

About the Movie

Citizens United Productions examines the phenomenon that is Barack Obama. HYPE: The Obama Effect examines the Junior Senator from Illinois and his record. Is he the new Kennedy or recycled Jimmy Carter? Is he the one who will finally change Washington, or will challenges like the Tony Rezko trial reveal politics as usual? Is he the uniter the country begs for, or a liberal divider? HYPE: The Obama Effect seeks the answers.

Including interviews with political leaders, media experts, and social commentators, HYPE provides the in-depth analysis that can only occur in a full-length feature documentary. HYPE goes to Illinois and interviews those who know the Senator's record as a state legislator. Go on the road with the campaign and experience the enthralled crowds as they are consumed by the HYPE. Washington insiders analyze Senator Obama's Senate record, his views on abortion, his statements on the second amendment, his plan for a troubled economy, and his foreign policy-will the US be safer or will the US become a bigger target? Will Senator Obama's actions match his eloquence in the toughest job in the world, or will his rapt and motivated crowds be left with little substance at the end of the day? HYPE: The Obama Effect lays out the truth.

The release date has not been announced. When the movie arrives in a theater near you, be sure to bring all those Obamabot Kool-Aid drinkers with you to see the TRUTH. The truth is, Obama is not qualified to be president! Obama has had associations with CRIMINALS. Obama HAS NO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE. Obama is THE most far-left Senator in America. Obama's birth certificate forgery should raise questions from all of us. Obama's former pastor - well - you know all about that.

There are many, many, many more negatives to consider regarding why Americans SHOULD NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA! Just type in "Obama" in the blog search here at Talk Wisdom. There are dozens of posts to read.

HT: Citizens United Productions

The Patriot Room

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