Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Democrats Register Criminals in Jail

The following sounds like something right out of a Saturday Night Live skit. In fact, it would have been hilarious if the character of "The Church Lady" spoke about it!

But it isn't a joke - it is real.

After reading this, do you have any more doubt about how corrupt the Democratic Party really is?

Democrats Register Criminals in Jail

"Well...isn't that extra special?"


For years the Democrats and the ACLU have made an effort to assure criminals get the right to vote. Never before had the extent of this effort been made public.

Too bad the reporter failed in giving the public all the information that we deserve to have. Note the Times reports that 917 criminals were registered to vote in jail and that 881 filed applications for absentee ballots.

What the Times left out, is how many registered as Democrats, Republicans or Decline to State. Wonder why this important fact was left out. Note that this is also going on in San Francisco.

This has been hidden, so thanks to the Times for this partial report. Does the Field or Times polls ask these people who they support?

Please pass this around. Voters need to know that the criminal element are pushed to register and vote as well. Does this make you feel good about the results?


Go to the website link to read it all!

HT: CA Political News


Doug said...

Hey Christine, you win the award for "most redundant blog post title of the week"! Haha!

David said...

You don't think those that have been convicted of a misdemeanor, and therefore still eligible to vote, should be allowed to? That sounds deeply un-democratic, not to mention contrary to our laws. Only convicted felons lose the right to vote.

Christinewjc said...

Heh heh heh...Doug. Come to think of it, it is redundant!


Guess you failed to notice this part:

What the Times left out, is how many registered as Democrats, Republicans or Decline to State. Wonder why this important fact was left out.

The point being, the author of the post probably doubts (with good reason) that it was any kind of non-partisan act of registration. So, were any registered republicans or independents disenfranchised? Isn't that the famous buzzword of the Democratic Party?
