Monday, July 14, 2008

Term Limits & Satire

Leave it to my blogging friend Doug to post a hilarious (and very true!) article over at World Net Daily pointing out some of the shenanigans (and, some of the criminal-like behavior) of our current Congress. He emphasizes the need for term limits. Ted Kennedy is but one senator who is sure to object to such an idea. But I think it makes perfect sense!

Doug points out why term limits are needed and I totally agree with him. However, he also points out how ignorant and uninformed voters tend to re-elect the same people over and over again. How intolerant and politically incorrect of you...Doug! heh heh

These are just too funny:

Why don't Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, et al, appear to be worried about the fact that the approval ratings of the Democrat-controlled Congress are in the toilet? Why do they continue to buck public opinion on the drilling issue? Because they know their constituents will probably re-elect them anyway. The motto of the Democratic Party isn't "Dopes spring eternal" for nothing.

[T]rue, politicians aren't all scumbags, but Congress has gotten to the point where it's almost impossible to sort out the hundreds of crooks, swine, ethically corrupt and morally bankrupt bunko artists from the three who aren't.

Recent examples on the need for term limits abound, but New York Rep. Charles Rangel is one. Rangel's rent-controlled apartments and taxpayer-funded automobile lease must come to an end.

When questioned on the $777 a month taxpayer covered lease for his Cadillac DeVille, Rangel actually told a reporter that driving a cheaper car would be a sign of disrespect to his constituents. Rangel is committed to respecting his constituents until they're in a bread line.

Ha!! Makes me laugh each time I read it!

But seriously, with an approval rating of only 18.5% (according to Real Clear Politics), one would have to admit that those in charge (the Democrats!!!) must be doing an AWFUL job!! Don't you think that they deserve recognition for such terrible poll numbers? I do!!

With all the hatred and disparagement by the MSM being flung at President Bush over the course of his presidency, even his numbers never got that low. In fact, he is currently up at 31%. Previously, I think it was 29%.

Now, keep in mind all of the mud-slinging from all sources that have been thrown at President Bush over the last 7 1/2 years. Most people probably don't need examples, but if you do, just check out the ugly signs at any one of the protest marches pictured over at Zombietime.

Mr. Bush has the maturity and dignity to not let it affect him. He has kept his cool in public and that is a smart move. He and his staff are wise not to give the nutroots any more publicity than they already have via the hate-America MSM.

Mr. Bush has gone on about the business of protecting and defending America. Even the most disgusting things said about him are either ignored or dismissed by him (or his staff); recognizing that people (severely disturbed as they are, IMO) have the right to free speech - even if it's terribly offensive.

Now, a man running for the office has been actively attempting to "fight the smears" against him and his campaign via a website.

Good luck with that!!/sarcasm

I wonder if the latest caricature of Obama and his wife will bring about a firestorm of protest?

Oh wait...looks like it already did!

Magazine's satirical cover stirs controversy.

Oopsie...perhaps I know why the Obama camp is so angry! The magazine didn't get the traditional garb quite right?

I've heard commentary that some people think Michele Obama's caricature looks a bit like the liberal left activist Angela Davis!

Fox News is reporting that the Obama campaign is absolutely livid about this magazine cover!

Typical liberal left whining. They can certainly dish it out, but obviously, can't take it!

Just what we need....a Marxist Whiner in Chief with his lord-Obama wife who was once quoted at a rally saying:

Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.


Michelle...has it ever occurred to you that perhaps Barack had you in mind when he said those things? heh heh

Look in the mirror...lady!

Update @ 9:10 a.m. PT:

OH MY GOSH!!! This post and pictures got me laughing so hard...well, just go see it!

HT: World Net Daily

Real Clear Politics

Fox News

Hot Air

Lots of posts on Tailrank


Christinewjc said...

Don't miss this!!

OH MY GOSH!!! This post and pictures got me laughing so hard...well, just go see it!

Christinewjc said...

In case it doesn't get published, here's my comment to this Fox News article:

There is double irony involved here. First, the magazine cover was meant to "hold up a mirror to prejudice, the hateful, and the absurd. And that’s the spirit of this cover,” reads the statement."

Yet, the leftists are going ballistic over it. Why? Because they can't stand any disparagement...even if it is meant to be satirical...against their messiah-like candidate.

Let's keep in mind all of the mud-slinging from all sources that have been thrown at President Bush over the last 7 1/2 years. Most people probably don't need examples, but if you do, just check out the ugly signs at any one of the protest marches pictured over at Zombietime.

Mr. Bush has the maturity and dignity to not let it affect him. He has kept his cool in public and that is a smart move. He and his staff are wise not to give the nutroots any more publicity than they already have via the hate-America MSM.

Mr. Bush has gone on about the business of protecting and defending America. Even the most disgusting things said about him are either ignored or dismissed by him (or his staff); recognizing that people (severely disturbed as they are, IMO) have the right to free speech - even if it's terribly offensive.

Now, a man running for the office has been actively attempting to "fight the smears" against him and his campaign via a website.

Good luck with that!! /sarcasm

I wonder if the latest caricature of he and his wife will bring about a firestorm of protest?

Oh wait...looks like it already did!

Magazine's satirical cover stirs controversy.

Typical liberal left whining. They can certainly dish it out, but obviously, can't take it!

Just what we need....a Marxist Whiner in Chief with his lord-Obama wife who was once quoted at a rally saying:

"Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.

Talk about "hold up a mirror to prejudice, the hateful, and the absurd"...
Hey a mirror?

Let's also not forget Obama's offensive remarks about "Americans clinging to their guns and religion."

Christinewjc said...

Lots of posts on Tailrank