Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Video - Navy SEAL Ty Woods Dad: People in the White House Have My Son's Blood On Their Hands
Originally, I wanted to share the following video on my former post, Facebook Censors Navy SEALs To Protect Obama On Benghazi-Gate. But after watching the emotional video, I decided that it needed a blog post all it's own. Be sure to watch it all the way to the end. It made me tear up, but also made me extremely proud of this Christian military family.
~ Christine
Hat Tip: We The People
~ Christine
Hat Tip: We The People
Benghazi Cover-Up,
Benghazi-Gate Massacre,
Tyrone Woods
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Facebook Censors Navy SEALs To Protect Obama On Benghazi-Gate
I have additional reasons not to re-activate my FaceBook account. Not only is personal information in jeopardy, but censorship abounds when it comes to the ideology of protecting our current Resident in the White House from the scandal of Benghazi-gate!
Copy of post:
RELATED STORY: Obama Admin 3 Times Refused Request To Send Military Backup In Benghazi Massacre
Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces being overrun in Benghazi.
The message was contained in a meme which demonstrated how Obama had relied on the SEALS when he was ready to let them get Osama bin Laden, and how he had turned around and denied them when they called for backup on Sept 11.
I spoke with Larry Ward, president of Political Media, Inc — the media company that handles SOS postings and media production. Ward was the one who personally put the Navy SEAL meme up, and the one who received the warning from Facebook and an eventual 24 hour suspension from Facebook because Ward put the meme back up after Facebook told him to take it down.
Here’s what Ward told me:
We created and posted this meme on Saturday after news broke that Obama had known and denied SEALS the backup they requested.
Once the meme was up it garnered 30,000 shares, approx. 24,000 likes, and was read by hundreds of thousands of people — all within 24 hrs. On Sunday, I went into the SOS Facebook page to post something else and found a warning from Facebook that we had violated Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities with our meme. So I copied the warning, put it on the meme as as caption, and re-posted the meme to the Facebook page.
Along with the re-posted meme, Ward put a link to the Facebook “feedback comment” inbox so visitors to the SOS page could send a message to Facebook if they were as outraged over the meme being jerked down as he was.
Ward said Facebook pulled the re-posted meme down within 7 or 8 hours and suspended the SOS account for 24 hours.
In other words, Facebook put the Navy SEALS in timeout in order to shield Obama.
How low can you go? source – Breitbart
Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces being overrun in Benghazi.
The message was contained in a meme which demonstrated how Obama had relied on the SEALS when he was ready to let them get Osama bin Laden, and how he had turned around and denied them when they called for backup on Sept 11.
I spoke with Larry Ward, president of Political Media, Inc — the media company that handles SOS postings and media production. Ward was the one who personally put the Navy SEAL meme up, and the one who received the warning from Facebook and an eventual 24 hour suspension from Facebook because Ward put the meme back up after Facebook told him to take it down.
Here’s what Ward told me:
We created and posted this meme on Saturday after news broke that Obama had known and denied SEALS the backup they requested.
Once the meme was up it garnered 30,000 shares, approx. 24,000 likes, and was read by hundreds of thousands of people — all within 24 hrs. On Sunday, I went into the SOS Facebook page to post something else and found a warning from Facebook that we had violated Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities with our meme. So I copied the warning, put it on the meme as as caption, and re-posted the meme to the Facebook page.
Along with the re-posted meme, Ward put a link to the Facebook “feedback comment” inbox so visitors to the SOS page could send a message to Facebook if they were as outraged over the meme being jerked down as he was.
Ward said Facebook pulled the re-posted meme down within 7 or 8 hours and suspended the SOS account for 24 hours.
In other words, Facebook put the Navy SEALS in timeout in order to shield Obama.
How low can you go? source – Breitbart
Monday, October 29, 2012
As Christians Believers...I Have A Question For You.
Is it ever appropriate to expect (or allow) a pastor to share his opinion about who to vote for?
Received an email from a church pastor today. Apparently, a guest speaker at this particular church must have said some things that the pastor (who was out of town yesterday) thought "crossed the line" regarding discussion of the upcoming election. The letter indicates that the guest speaker must have shared who he/she thinks Christians should vote for. [I don't know which candidate he/she sided with.] In full disclosure, I was out of town, too. I did not hear the sermon, do not know who the "guest speaker" was, nor was I able to access the video version of the sermon online.
The following is an email that I received today. I wanted to put it out there (especially for my fellow Christian readers who frequent Talk Wisdom) and ask what your thoughts are about the content of the email. I will hold my opinions about it until a few days have passed - giving readers a chance to express their own opinions about it.
Copy of email (with name of church and pastor redacted):
Received an email from a church pastor today. Apparently, a guest speaker at this particular church must have said some things that the pastor (who was out of town yesterday) thought "crossed the line" regarding discussion of the upcoming election. The letter indicates that the guest speaker must have shared who he/she thinks Christians should vote for. [I don't know which candidate he/she sided with.] In full disclosure, I was out of town, too. I did not hear the sermon, do not know who the "guest speaker" was, nor was I able to access the video version of the sermon online.
The following is an email that I received today. I wanted to put it out there (especially for my fellow Christian readers who frequent Talk Wisdom) and ask what your thoughts are about the content of the email. I will hold my opinions about it until a few days have passed - giving readers a chance to express their own opinions about it.
Copy of email (with name of church and pastor redacted):
Talk Wisdom Reports...You Decide.I am writing in response to comments made by our guest speaker at the morning services yesterday. Even though the intent of the interview was to focus on the general concept of voting according to a biblical worldview, the speaker's comments strayed further from that message than I would have liked so I wanted to clarify where we stand as a church on issues related to the election.
As Christians, God's Word should guide and direct every area of our lives, even our voting decisions. Proverbs 3:5-6
Because God created the concept of government as a tool to fulfill His will, Romans 13:1, our political views and voting decisions should not be separated from our biblical beliefs. Just as non-believers vote according to their belief system, so believers should vote according to their belief system.
How that pertains to this particular election is up to you. The [ ] Church has no intent to endorse or campaign for one party or candidate. We do not at all believe that one party or candidate has a corner market on the bible or God.
I am fully aware that there are strong opposing political opinions in our church and I respect those differences. Since I was out of town for this Sunday's services, I was not immediately aware of the content. When I became aware, we made the necessary adjustments to the presentation.
I want to encourage you to pray and trust that the Lord will lead you in your voting decisions. We are committed to praying for and partnering with whoever is elected our next President.
If you have any comments that you would like to make, or thoughts on how we can do things better, please contact Pastor [....].
Christian walk,
Election 2012,
Godless culture,
Godly wisdom,
Talk Wisdom Reports - You Decide,
vote God,
vote the Bible
CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit…CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered Next Day [Update]
When I first heard about the awful and devastating story of a nanny stabbing two children to death in the bathtub of their home while the mom took another child to swim lessons, the story was horrific enough. But if the following connections are true, it shows to what lengths such evil people will go to steal American taxpayer money and kill to squelch the story of a lawsuit against them and cover up their evil deeds.
Talk Wisdom Reports - You Decide
Before It Is News: CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit…CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered Next Day
New York (CNN) — A Manhattan mother returned home early Thursday evening to find two of her young children stabbed to death in a bathtub, as their nanny lay bleeding nearby, police said.
NEW: The father is a CNBC executive, officials familiar with the investigation say.
The mother, 38, had just returned around 5:30 p.m. to the family apartment on Manhattan’s West Side with her 3-year-old daughter, who she had just taken to swimming lessons, police Commissioner Ray Kelly said.
All the lights were out in the residence, so she went downstairs to ask the doorman whether her two other children and their nanny had gone outside. After the doorman said they had not, the mother went back upstairs and started looking around, Kelly said.
Peering into a bathroom, she let out a scream upon finding her 1-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter stabbed to death in the bathtub, according to Kelly.
The children’s 50-year-old nanny was on the bathroom floor unconscious and bleeding from what appeared to be self-inflicted stab wounds to her neck, Kelly said. A kitchen knife sat next to her, according to police spokesman Paul Browne.
A neighbor, Sandy Marcus, told CNN that she called 911 after hearing the mother’s screams. Another neighbor recalled it was hard to ascertain what was going on since “everybody was screaming.”
The children were taken to Roosevelt Hospital and pronounced dead.
The father of the children is Kevin Krim, an executive with CNBC , several officials familiar with the investigation said.
The nanny is at St. Luke’s Hospital, also in New York, in critical but stable condition, according to Kelly. No charges have been filed yet in the case, he added.
Klein described the family at the center of the horror as “all-American” and “lovely.”
“It’s like something you read about in the papers, in some distant country, but never on your floor,” she said.
This story about the lawsuit broke Thursday at CNBC. Here is the saved page.
Click for larger image
[Update: the link for larger image doesn't seem to be working. My apologies for the inconvenience.]
Now following the original CNBC link takes you to a blank page, even though some of the comments on that original article remain (UPDATE: comments have been erased as well).
Here the story takes a dark turn! It turns out that Kevin Krim, the father of the two children stabbed to death, allegedly by the Nanny, is SVP and General Manager, CNBC Digital! And shortly after the murder of the children, CNBC pulled down the story regarding the lawsuit against the banks!
How long will the story remain at Marketwatch before it is “Orwellized?”
Are the children of the executives at Marketwatch even now in danger?
As a side note, the official story regarding the murders is that the nanny stabbed the children, then tried to slash her own throat. Suicide by cutting ones own throat is extremely rare, less than one percent of all suicides, and is primarily committed by men with military experience. Women committing suicide by slashing their own throat is almost unheard of!
While the corporate-owned media is proclaiming the “rush to judgement” guilt of the nanny (who has survived but cannot yet speak) she has not actually been charged yet, nor is there any apparent motive for the nanny to have done such a thing.
Oct 27, 2012 by LoveTehSun
858-page court case 1:12-cv-04269-JBW-RML document, filed 8/24/
Orignal CNBC link:
Original CNBC
2nd article:…
“In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) – involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver – Plaintiffs now establish the location of the $43 trillion of laundered money in a racketeering enterprise participated in by the following individuals: Attorney General Holder, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris, Jon Corzine, Robert Rubin, Timothy Geitner, Vikram Pandit, Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn, Robert Bauer, as well as the “Banksters” themselves, and their affiliates and conduits.”
Hat tips to all links and Commieblaster where I first located story.
I could not bring video/audio report over here, so go to the link to view and listen.
Praying for this devastated family. How grief stricken they must all be. May they be comforted by the eternal promises of Jesus Christ and know that their beloved children are now in eternity with Him.
Update: Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury Copy of article [because these articles tend to be scrubbed when found by liberal leftists who want to hide the truth!]
Talk Wisdom Reports - You Decide
Before It Is News: CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit…CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered Next Day
New York (CNN) — A Manhattan mother returned home early Thursday evening to find two of her young children stabbed to death in a bathtub, as their nanny lay bleeding nearby, police said.
NEW: The father is a CNBC executive, officials familiar with the investigation say.
The mother, 38, had just returned around 5:30 p.m. to the family apartment on Manhattan’s West Side with her 3-year-old daughter, who she had just taken to swimming lessons, police Commissioner Ray Kelly said.
All the lights were out in the residence, so she went downstairs to ask the doorman whether her two other children and their nanny had gone outside. After the doorman said they had not, the mother went back upstairs and started looking around, Kelly said.
Peering into a bathroom, she let out a scream upon finding her 1-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter stabbed to death in the bathtub, according to Kelly.
The children’s 50-year-old nanny was on the bathroom floor unconscious and bleeding from what appeared to be self-inflicted stab wounds to her neck, Kelly said. A kitchen knife sat next to her, according to police spokesman Paul Browne.
A neighbor, Sandy Marcus, told CNN that she called 911 after hearing the mother’s screams. Another neighbor recalled it was hard to ascertain what was going on since “everybody was screaming.”
The children were taken to Roosevelt Hospital and pronounced dead.
The father of the children is Kevin Krim, an executive with CNBC , several officials familiar with the investigation said.
The nanny is at St. Luke’s Hospital, also in New York, in critical but stable condition, according to Kelly. No charges have been filed yet in the case, he added.
Klein described the family at the center of the horror as “all-American” and “lovely.”
“It’s like something you read about in the papers, in some distant country, but never on your floor,” she said.
This story about the lawsuit broke Thursday at CNBC. Here is the saved page.
Click for larger image
[Update: the link for larger image doesn't seem to be working. My apologies for the inconvenience.]
Now following the original CNBC link takes you to a blank page, even though some of the comments on that original article remain (UPDATE: comments have been erased as well).
Here the story takes a dark turn! It turns out that Kevin Krim, the father of the two children stabbed to death, allegedly by the Nanny, is SVP and General Manager, CNBC Digital! And shortly after the murder of the children, CNBC pulled down the story regarding the lawsuit against the banks!
How long will the story remain at Marketwatch before it is “Orwellized?”
Are the children of the executives at Marketwatch even now in danger?
As a side note, the official story regarding the murders is that the nanny stabbed the children, then tried to slash her own throat. Suicide by cutting ones own throat is extremely rare, less than one percent of all suicides, and is primarily committed by men with military experience. Women committing suicide by slashing their own throat is almost unheard of!
While the corporate-owned media is proclaiming the “rush to judgement” guilt of the nanny (who has survived but cannot yet speak) she has not actually been charged yet, nor is there any apparent motive for the nanny to have done such a thing.
Oct 27, 2012 by LoveTehSun
858-page court case 1:12-cv-04269-JBW-RML document, filed 8/24/
Orignal CNBC link:
Original CNBC
2nd article:…
“In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) – involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver – Plaintiffs now establish the location of the $43 trillion of laundered money in a racketeering enterprise participated in by the following individuals: Attorney General Holder, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris, Jon Corzine, Robert Rubin, Timothy Geitner, Vikram Pandit, Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn, Robert Bauer, as well as the “Banksters” themselves, and their affiliates and conduits.”
Hat tips to all links and Commieblaster where I first located story.
I could not bring video/audio report over here, so go to the link to view and listen.
Praying for this devastated family. How grief stricken they must all be. May they be comforted by the eternal promises of Jesus Christ and know that their beloved children are now in eternity with Him.
Update: Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury Copy of article [because these articles tend to be scrubbed when found by liberal leftists who want to hide the truth!]
NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests.
In connection with the federal lawsuit now impending in the United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML) - involving, among other things, a request that the District Court enjoin all mortgage foreclosures by the Banksters nationwide, unless and until the entire $43 trillion is repaid to a court-appointed receiver - Plaintiffs now establish the location of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money in a racketeering enterprise participated in by the following individuals (without limitation): Attorney General Holder acting in his individual capacity, Assistant Attorney General Tony West, the brother in law of Defendant California Attorney General Kamala Harris (both acting in their individual capacities), Jon Corzine (former New Jersey Governor), Robert Rubin (former Treasury Secretary and Bankster), Timothy Geitner, Treasury Secretary (acting in his individual capacity), Vikram Pandit (recently resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board of Citigroup), Valerie Jarrett (a Senior White House Advisor), Anita Dunn (a former "communications director" for the Obama Administration), Robert Bauer (husband of Anita Dunn and Chief Legal Counsel for the Obama Re-election Campaign), as well as the "Banksters" themselves, and their affiliates and conduits. The lawsuit alleges serial violations of the United States Patriot Act, the Policy of Embargo Against Iran and Countries Hostile to the Foreign Policy of the United States, and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (commonly known as the RICO statute) and other State and Federal laws.
In the District Court lawsuit, Spire Law Group, LLP -- on behalf of home owner across the Country and New York taxpayers, as well as under other taxpayer recompense laws -- has expanded its mass tort action into federal court in Brooklyn, New York, seeking to halt all foreclosures nationwide pending the return of the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000.00) by the "Banksters" and their co-conspirators, seeking an audit of the Fed and audits of all the "bailout programs" by an independent receiver such as Neil Barofsky, former Inspector General of the TARP program who has stated that none of the TARP money and other "bailout money" advanced from the Treasury has ever been repaid despite protestations to the contrary by the Defendants as well as similar protestations by President Obama and the Obama Administration both publicly on national television and more privately to the United States Congress. Because the Obama Administration has failed to pursue any of the "Banksters" criminally, and indeed is actively borrowing monies for Mr. Obama's campaign from these same "Banksters" to finance its political aspirations, the national group of plaintiff home owners has been forced to now expand its lawsuit to include racketeering, money laundering and intentional violations of the Iranian Nations Sanctions and Embargo Act by the national banks included among the "Bankster" Defendants.
The complaint - which has now been fully served on thousands of the "Banksters and their Co-Conspirators" - makes it irrefutable that the epicenter of this laundering and racketeering enterprise has been and continues to be Wall Street and continues to involve the very "Banksters" located there who have repeatedly asked in the past to be "bailed out" and to be "bailed out" in the future.
The Havens for the money laundering schemes - and certain of the names and places of these entities - are located in such venues as Switzerland, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Cypress and entities controlled by governments adverse to the interests of the United States Sanctions and Embargo Act against Iran, and are also identified in both the United Nations and the U.S. Senate's recent reports on international money laundering. Many of these entities have already been personally served with summons and process of the complaint during the last six months. It is now beyond dispute that, while the Obama Administration was publicly encouraging loan modifications for home owners by "Banksters", it was privately ratifying the formation of these shell companies in violation of the United States Patriot Act, and State and Federal law. The case further alleges that through these obscure foreign companies, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, and numerous other federally chartered banks stole trillions of dollars of home owners' and taxpayers' money during the last decade and then laundered it through offshore companies.
This District Court Complaint - maintained by Spire Law Group, LLP -- is the only lawsuit in the world listing as Defendants the Banksters, let alone serving all of such Banksters with legal process and therefore forcing them to finally answer the charges in court. Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission, nor the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, nor the Office of the Attorney General, nor any State Attorney General has sued the Banksters and thereby legally chased them worldwide to recover-back the $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) and other lawful damages, injunctive relief and other legal remedies.
James N. Fiedler, Managing Partner of Spire Law Group, LLP, stated: "It is hard for me to believe as a 47-year lawyer that our nation's guardians have been unwilling to stop this theft. Spire Law Group, LLP stands for the elimination of corruption and implementation of lawful strategies, and that is what we're doing here. Spire Law Group, LLP's charter is to not allow such corruption to go unanswered."
Comments were requested from the Attorney Generals' offices in NY, CA, NV, NH , OH, MA and the White House, but no comment was provided.
About Spire Law Group
Spire Law Group, LLP is a national law firm whose motto is "the public should be protected -- at all costs -- from corruption in whatever form it presents itself." The Firm is comprised of lawyers nationally with more than 250-years of experience in a span of matters ranging from representing large corporations and wealthy individuals, to also representing the masses. The Firm is at the front lines litigating against government officials, banks, defunct loan pools, and now the very offshore entities where the corruption was enabled and perpetrated.
Contact: James N. Fiedler877-438-8766
SOURCE Spire Law Group, LLP
Copyright (C) 2012 PR Newswire. All rights reserved
Audit The Fed,
child murder,
law issues,
murder cover-up,
suspicious deaths,
Saturday, October 27, 2012
White House Insider: Benghazi Cover-up Is HUGE!!
Dear Readers:
If you are not familiar with White House Insider, then I suggest you become familiar. Why? Because you will read things about ObamaFRAUD and his ilk that you might not ever read anywhere else! What's more, the links in the comment section tell MORE of the story than perhaps any single blog post could!
I'm pressed for time right now so here is the link:
Hat tip:
The Ulsterman Report and all links.
Update: Also see: Wolf Howling: The Benghazi Scandal Worsens
If you are not familiar with White House Insider, then I suggest you become familiar. Why? Because you will read things about ObamaFRAUD and his ilk that you might not ever read anywhere else! What's more, the links in the comment section tell MORE of the story than perhaps any single blog post could!
I'm pressed for time right now so here is the link:
BE SURE to read through the comment section - ESPECIALLY the comments about General Ham and what has happened to him since the Benghazi cover-up! [They are located near the end of the comment section and posted at end of this blog post.]
Here are a few of the important comments there:
October 27, 2012 at 5:37 am
Obama and Panetta on the same page…
Interesting link here:
Comment #2 — Gen Ham was fired 30 seconds after deciding to intervene in Benghazi: I heard a story today from someone inside the military that I trust entirely. The story was in reference to General Ham that Panetta referenced in the quote below.
“(The) basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place,” Panetta told Pentagon reporters. “And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”
The information I heard today was that General Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.
General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.
The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africon.
I found this story when I got home after hearing this story.
President Barack Obama will nominate Army Gen. David Rodriguez to succeed Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command and Marine Lt. Gen. John Paxton to succeed Gen. Joseph Dunford as assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced.
As I was typing this I heard John Bolton on Greta say that there are conflicting reports of General Ham’s comments on this tragedy and why a rapid response unit was not deployed. Bolton says someone needs to find out what Ham was saying on 9/11/12
Interesting link here:
Comment #2 — Gen Ham was fired 30 seconds after deciding to intervene in Benghazi: I heard a story today from someone inside the military that I trust entirely. The story was in reference to General Ham that Panetta referenced in the quote below.
“(The) basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place,” Panetta told Pentagon reporters. “And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”
The information I heard today was that General Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.
General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.
The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africon.
I found this story when I got home after hearing this story.
President Barack Obama will nominate Army Gen. David Rodriguez to succeed Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command and Marine Lt. Gen. John Paxton to succeed Gen. Joseph Dunford as assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced.
As I was typing this I heard John Bolton on Greta say that there are conflicting reports of General Ham’s comments on this tragedy and why a rapid response unit was not deployed. Bolton says someone needs to find out what Ham was saying on 9/11/12
- ATB -
- Damn. That’s the most frightening thing I’ve seen in this whole affair. We’re talking about impeachable stuff – or stuff that can happen on the level Randall mentioned. Damn.
- This just in…administration cancels troops in Afghanistan’s right to vote:–election.html
Treason. They’d damn well better make it right.
- Confirming aspects of ATB’s story from the Free Republic. This is confirmative of his removal – not neccessarily indicative of why:
- This has turned into what a lot of us have suspected: a murder investigation.
The General’s testimony contradicts the rosy view of Afghanistan, as well as his smiling view of Libya. Pages 3 and 4 are pertinent. Note that Afghanistan is 7th on a list of “failed states,” confirming that our military isn’t with the administration’s lies about the enemy – and confirming Lara Logan’s view of the state d’affairs.
I hope the General is safe – the next step for this criminal administration is to silence him.
- General Ham’s name keeps coming up –
He was inconvenient to the White House, denying them their metanarrative, bringing up things that showed the administration’s incompetence. This is the administration that thought Solyndra was a good deal, remember – they can’t tell a plan from a bedpan.
Assuming the Idiot in Chief was angered at reports of Panetta doing the deed vis-a-vis UBL (safe bet); assuming that Panetta was threatened by White House counsel – and he probably was; assuming that the President was going to take full control of the Benghazi affair, and show everybody who really runs things…imagine a President who is sitting there, telling them that they’re gonna have to deal with it, to watch the death of the Ambassador real-time: HE’s the President, dammit, and he can order a rescue mission – or not.
I wonder if there are any Insiders who were aware of the realtime drama, the order to set General Ham aside, the de facto order to murder Ambassador Stevens?
Is Leon really gonna take this? Petraeus has already said that the CIA wasn’t in the loop on this. I’m beginning to think Randall may be seeing something.
- By-the-way: Biden cancelled his Central Va. stop “because of the storm.” Yeah, right.
Good move, Joe; the security couldn’t be made safe in that venue. Stay safe – and get off of your statins. That’s what’s making you goofy. They can cause amnesia and Alzheimers’ like symptoms. Didn’t you know that?
- Tyrone Woods’ father probably knows this already, but if not:
The failure of our President and his staff to send help had nothing to do with operational capability; there was also someone willing to act – General Ham. Perhaps Mr. Woods should be in contact with General Ham – or have their attorneys talk. Here’s the evidence:
“Ham also disclosed that the U.S. is providing some strike aircraft to the NATO operation that do not need to go through the special approval process recently established. The powerful side-firing AC-130 gunship is available to NATO commanders, he said.
“His answer countered earlier claims by the Pentagon that all strike aircraft must be requested through U.S. European Command and approved by top U.S. leaders, including Defence Secretary Robert Gates.
“Ham said that process still applies to other fighters and the A-10 Thunderbolt, which can provide close air support for ground forces, He said that process is quick, and other defence officials have said it can take about a day for the U.S. to approve the request and move the aircraft in from bases in Europe.”
This shows the motive for the removal of the General – he had a different view of the status of support claimed by the Pentagon; he knew that a mission could be arranged rapidly.
Panetta is failing – because a general who knows his stuff was told to stand down over a difference in operational COC. It had nothing to do with operational capability, and everything points right back to…the Bat Faced One and her Little Man.
Leon, don’t be a hero – not for them; be a hero for Tyrone Woods and the other murdered men, and for our security’s sake.
- Obeline
- Lame Cherry has an interesting post this morning –
“The fat lady is not singing yet my children, but she is off her fat rear.”
SCOAMF has to lose on 11/6.
- Obeline
- Take a break from all the doom and gloom (priceless!):
(and she’s probably a registered voter, too!)
- The administration is trying to scrub all references to General Ham’s removal from his command – while there were several, fewer remain.
This story isn’t gonna get swept under the rug – I talked to a buddy today in passing who was aware, someone way down the COC. It’s around – all around – and no one is gonna stuff this genie back into the bottle.
Notice that Panetta dropped Ham’s name – he tried to make him a co-conspirator. I wonder how long the General will put up with this? He should be getting legal counsel – real legal counsel.
- liveforliberty
They graduated their first class. Why do they need armored vehicles with machine gun slots?
Obama’s civilian police. #blueshirts
- Justawhoaman
Media matters calls it conspiracy. I call it impending Civil War. Enough hollow point bullets to shoot every American more than once…. Colorado Springs July 2008 speech. He even announced it was coming.
- AmericaTheBeautiful
- Lamecherry has it… Too many know ..General Tommy Franks is not going to tolerate the traitors in the WH killing America’s heroes and best warriors…Will we see Obama’s rules of engagement come under close scrutiny…Will Obama’s direct orders, his pathetic rules of engagement be scrutinized and tied to our enormous loss of Seal Team 6 in Afghanistan? Will that slaughter be given proper attention finally? Where is our old friend McKrystal? He has
a story to tell.
Will the evil jihadi John Brennan’s name start blowing in the wind ? Will the evil trifecta, the cabal that is Obama, Jarret and Brennan reach above the whispers and become a drumbeat? Seems the adults have finally grabbed the reins on this runaway “Trojan horse.”
The shadow government must be examined…the number two position in every agency needs outing, and the vetting Anita Dunn’s press never game them…When communists collide and they are exposed it’s time to make demands….the complicity of thieves must not be the last word. Every American has a duty to ca their representatives this week. We are the rolling thunder …use that power!!
I hope Carter Ham is under safeguard and not so stubborn as to not to listen for the good of his country. He is a witness to a crime..a treasonous crime.
The enemy arming gun runner, missile runner, special ops murderer, voter thief in our White House must be managed and stopped…his football disarmed…as his fast and furious schemes are now known and can no longer be deemed political. The adults have entered the room. Pray they will be considered in their actions so as to continue a free republic rather, listen to their better angels than a power grab many must have dreamed of for years as they’ve been front benchers to the pathetic actions of too many narcissistic politicos.
VTX and Randall can the twisted trio of Onama, Brennan and Jarret be stopped before this election?
- AmericaTheBeautiful
- Lamecherry has it… Too many know ..General Tommy Franks is not going to tolerate the traitors in the WH killing America’s heroes and best warriors…Will we see Obama’s rules of engagement come under close scrutiny…Will Obama’s direct orders, his pathetic rules of engagement be scrutinized and tied to our enormous loss of Seal Team 6 in Afghanistan? Will that slaughter be given proper attention finally? Where is our old friend McKrystal? He has
a story to tell.
Will the evil jihadi John Brennan’s name start blowing in the wind ? Will the evil trifecta, the cabal that is Obama, Jarret and Brennan reach above the whispers and become a drumbeat? Seems the adults have finally grabbed the reins on this runaway “Trojan horse.”
The shadow government must be examined…the number two position in every agency needs outing, and the vetting Anita Dunn’s press never game them…When communists collide and they are exposed it’s time to make demands….the complicity of thieves must not be the last word. Every American has a duty to ca their representatives this week. We are the rolling thunder …use that power!!
I hope Carter Ham is under safeguard and not so stubborn as to not to listen for the good of his country. He is a witness to a crime..a treasonous crime.
The enemy arming gun runner, missile runner,treaty breaker, special ops murderer, voter thief in our White House must be managed and stopped…his football disarmed…as his fast and furious schemes are now known and can no longer be deemed political. The adults have entered the room. Pray they will be considered in their actions so as to continue a free republic rather, listen to their better angels than a power grab many must have dreamed of for years as they’ve been front benchers to the pathetic actions of too many narcissistic politicos.
VTX and Randall can the twisted trio of Onama, Brennan and Jarret be stopped before this election?
Update: Also see: Wolf Howling: The Benghazi Scandal Worsens
Benghazi Cover-Up,
murder cover-up,
Obama Crimes,
traitors to America,
White House Insider
Friday, October 26, 2012
SEAL Father: Who Denied Military Aid During Benghazi Attack?
The interview of Tyrone Woods father that was on Megyn Kelly's Fox News show a few minutes ago (@ 10:30 a.m. PT) was absolutely GRIPPING.
Who is going to be held accountable????
Father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods wants answers!
See these posts:
CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, Fox News, October 26, 2012, CIA operators told twice to “stand down” and not help ambassador’s team
Who is going to be held accountable????
Father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods wants answers!
See these posts:
CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, Fox News, October 26, 2012, CIA operators told twice to “stand down” and not help ambassador’s team
citizenwells at Citizen WElls - 1 hour ago
CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, Fox News, October 26, 2012, CIA operators told twice to “stand down” and not help ambassador’s team “But Crowley and Obama had it wrong. the Post’s Glenn Kessler explained: What … Continue reading →
Fox News EXCLUSIVE: CIA Operators Were Denied Request for Help During Benghazi Attack (Video)
nicedeb at Nice Deb - 32 minutes ago
Fox News’ Jennifer Griffen did a masterful job laying it all out: Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later was denied by U.S. officials — [...]
******* more »
No, the CIA is not going to take the fall for Obama on Libya-gate (Part 2)
William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 1 hour ago
In my post on October 19 (which seems soooo long ago), No, the CIA is not going to take the fall for Obama on Libya-gate, I predicted: In a ritual as old as the existence of the modern intelligence community, leaks are beginning to spill out protecting the CIA from having to take the fall [...]
Hat tips to all links.
Hat tips to all links.
Benghazi Cover-Up,
Benghazi-Gate Massacre,
Obama epic fail,
Obama's tragic errors,
Tyrone Woods
The Obama Confession
Well, well, well...THIS particular revelation about Obama is certainly interesting! This morning, I just happened to stumble upon two articles [update: now three] that may help us to understand how Obama can outwardly lie in so blatantly the manner in which he does on a daily basis! But it also reveals something else - a hidden, mysterious "code" (discovered by a psychiatrist about Obama) - which shows us how Obama is actively (but secretly) showing his guilt during speeches that he has done when one is trained to "read between the lines."
This is a Talk Wisdom Reports...You Decide kind of post.
However, so much of what is revealed by the forensic psychiatrist in the following two articles makes a lot of sense in deciphering the oft seen senseless, radical, America harming, possibly illegitimate, and dangerous pResidency of Barack Hussein Obama.
~ Christine
P.S. I personally think that watching Dinesh D'Sousa's documentary - 2016: Obama's America - helps to decipher Obama's hieroglyphics-type hints about his mindset; which leads us to the roots of his rage as well as the anti-American [stated as anti-colonialism in the movie] policies, practices, and unrelenting harm that he is doing against our nation.
The first article is entitled, WND: Forensic Profiler - Meet Obama The Sandman.
Copy of article:
Forensic profiler: Meet Obama – the 'sandman' Eminent psychiatrist reveals mysterious code in which America’s leader speaks Published: 09/15/2012 at 9:08 PM
WASHINGTON – An eminent psychiatrist and forensic profiler suggests Barack Obama is “confessing” to the American people who he is and what he wants to do to the country, but most citizens are just not trained to decode his messages.
Dr. Andrew G. Hodges, in his new book “The Obama Confessions,” makes the case that, because of the hurts he experienced in his young life, Obama has overcompensated with a sophisticated communication system that can be understood by reading between the lines of what he says.
“Obama reveals the completely secret trauma that controls his life, resulting in his deep misguided fury expressed toward America,” writes Hodges.
To understand Obama, says Hodges, one must see him as “the sandman” – the way he views himself because of the trauma in his life.
It was author and commentator Thomas Sowell who first drew the allusion to Obama as “the sandman.”
Learn “the Obama code” from Andrew Hodges’ “The Obama Confession” – now available in the WND Superstore.
“The track record of Obama’s pronouncements on a wide range of issues suggests that anything he says is a message written in sand, and easily blown away by the next political winds.”
But Obama has referred to himself as “the sandman.” What does he mean?
At a Jan. 19 fundraiser at Harlem’s legendary Apollo Theater, Obama took to the stage toward the end of the evening and broke out in song.
“It had been a particularly musical occasion and the president’s appearance followed several performers including soul singer the Rev. Al Green, whom Obama acknowledged,” Hodges explains in his book. “But the entertainers were expected to sing – Obama was only expected to speak.
Without warning, however, he delivered a surprisingly pleasing falsetto lyric, ‘I’mmm … sooo in love with you’ – the opening line from Green’s 1972 hit ‘Let’s Stay Together.’ Not believing their ears, the audience bursts into applause. After the ovation subsides, Obama takes it all in, then hesitantly glances toward his staff off stage right. Talking directly to them but also to America, he blurts out, ‘Those guys didn’t think I would do it. I told you I was going to do it.’”
But Obama added a comment most reporters missed.
“The sandman did not come out,” Obama said. “Now don’t worry, I can’t sing like you, but I just wanted to show my appreciation.”
Hodges says “the sandman” did indeed come out that night – and it was Obama, because that’s how he sees himself. It’s part of a pattern in his speech of denying the truth, saying the opposite of what he means.
“Blatant denials often imply the exact opposite – especially following Obama’s emphasis on overcoming denial – suggesting ‘the sandman did come out tonight.’ Indeed, he’s saying, ‘I am the sandman who came out on the stage tonight.’”
What is “the sandman” metaphor all about?
“The vivid image initially suggests something soft and yielding, something lacking a solid foundation,” explains Hodges. “There are other immediate possibilities, but in fact he leads in this very direction of weakness and something not real, not strong – something lacking in character – such as a president who would flippantly take a dare. Also ‘coming out tonight’ suggests coming out with a secret. Is he advising us to look closely at his character and ask fundamental questions to unearth the secret? Surely the character question also fits with telling Americans he has done something unimaginable, gotten elected president in spite of major character flaws.”
Previously, that same evening, Obama denied what he would do – insisting, “I’m not going to sing.” Then he sang. Then he insisted “the sandman” did not come out.
What does all this mean? Hodges writes:
Obama then goes on to talk about his own absentee father.
“Obama compares two types of fathers, the involved father who builds solid-rock foundations in his kids and the absent father who builds weak foundations for his children, foundations ‘made of sand,’” writes Hodges. “Yet Obama, by omitting the second part of the biblical parable, shows that he simply cannot bring himself to say the words ‘sand foundation.’ Why? For him, that phrase hits too close to home.”
Obama continues: “I know what it means to have an absent father.”
“His words strongly suggest that the parable could be titled ‘How Obama Sr. built Obama Jr.,’” writes Hodges. “He was unconsciously pressured to tell us about that absent father, the foolish builder who left him with a worrisome foundation. Obama makes repeated scathing references to absent fathers – selfish, unavailable, irresponsible, immature, and destructive. He underscores lost boys who have no father to show them how to be a man. He then describes how such absent fathers produce sons with ‘behavioral problems’ which mirror their own. In short, Obama tells us that he is the sandman son of a sandman father, a father who failed to build a solid foundation of character in him but instead left him with nothing but sand inside. Obama in essence warns America that he would be like his father, lacking in integrity and prone to bad behavior which undermined the community. This according to the role model rule Obama so carefully establishes.”
Hodges continues: “Between the lines Obama has verified that an extremely painful trauma constantly lives inside of him. It doesn’t take much to reopen such a wound – ‘a hole’ in himself created by his absent father. That’s exactly what Obama later labeled it, ‘a hole,’ an emptiness within his inner self. Right off he has revealed the motivations that have controlled him his entire life. At the same time, he remains consciously in denial about his personal pain.”
Who is Hodges to draw such conclusions?
He has identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded O.J. Simpson’s “suicide note” to confirm he had committed a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet ransom note to identify the child’s killer. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Natalee Holloway. He showed how Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky confession-apology on TV, revealing the awful pain which led to Clinton’s self-sabotaging behavior. Hodges employs a unique psycholinguistic technique he calls “ThoughtPrint Decoding” to “read between the lines” of people’s statements – called “the cutting-edge of forensic science” by expert investigators.
Hodges examines Obama’s entire life story from his controversial and mysterious birth, to his Muslim childhood, to his earliest indoctrination by radical left-wing activists and finally to his historic ascension to the White House.
“Wherever we look, Obama demonstrates another major boundary violation – more disruption of America’s foundation,” explains Hodges. “His inaugural address again foreshadows the specific boundary he will attack next – in another caution to America. Here he repeatedly insisted on the preeminence of the rule of law and the Constitution, ‘Our Founding Fathers … drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man. … Those ideals still light the world.’”
It sounds good – on the surface. But that’s not what Obama meant, suggests Hodges. He meant exactly the opposite and was telegraphing, in Obama code, that he would follow a path that is the opposite of was the Founders had in mind.
“Of course, Obama himself remains in denial about the full extent of his intentionally destructive motivations, but we can be sure he is consciously aware of significant deception,” says Hodges.
“There is a famous phrase therapists use that applies here; we employ it to describe unconsciously intentional motives and actions: ‘accidentally on purpose.’”
Hodges contends Obama’s mind is secretly a master at describing such motives.
The second article: WND: Obama Confessing Ineligibility
A psychiatrist and forensic profiler who decoded O.J. Simpson’s “suicide note,” deciphered the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note and worked on the Natalee Holloway murder case now has analyzed the United Nations speech by Barack Obama and says the president confessed he’s ineligible for the Oval Office and told Americans they must use the Constitution to solve the problem.
Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., author of “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury,” at the suggestion of WND examined Obama’s Sept. 25 address at the U.N. and offered his analysis.
He’s not exactly new to the field, already having identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded O.J.’s “suicide note” to confirm Simpson had committed a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet ransom note from Boulder, Colo., to identify the child’s killer. He decrypted letters from BTK to predict that he was about to kill again – the only profiler to do so. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Holloway. He showed how Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky confession on TV, revealing the awful pain which led to Clinton’s self-sabotaging behavior.
See all the details in Hodges’ book “The Obama Confession.”
On Hodges’ website, Steven A. Egger, associate professor of criminology at the University of Houston, Clear Lake, wrote that Hodges’ technique is “becoming the cutting edge of forensic science.”
“Dr. Hodges’ investigation of forensic documents in the Natalee Holloway case indicates that his ‘thoughtprint decoding method’ and ‘reading between the lines’ is, in fact, becoming a major contribution to law enforcement tools used by criminal investigators,” wrote Egger.
Hodges says in his analysis of Obama’s U.N. address that the president “continues to reference attacks on America and our Constitution.”
Obama said in the speech: “The attacks on our civilians … were attacks on America … we will be relentless in tracking down the killers and bringing them to justice.”
Hodges writes that Obama “again confesses his illegal presidency was an attack upon America, upon justice. So he promises to relentlessly track down his symbolic killing – destruction of – the Constitution.”
Obama said “the attacks of the last two weeks are not simply an assault on America. They are also an assault on the very ideals upon which the United [States] was founded.
Here, Hodges writes, Obama is “once more alluding to his constitutional attack. He can’t say it enough.”
Obama further stated the “answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution … yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. Moreover, as president of our country, I [accept that people are going to] call me awful things every day.”
Hodges says Obama “unconsciously reminds us that no one has confronted his blasphemy as a false president flaunting our most sacred beliefs — even as he calls his deed ‘awful.’ Obama’s succinct answer to his illegal presidency: enforce the Constitution.”
Hodges concludes that the remarks by Obama at the U.N. reveal truths similar to those he perceived in Obama’s inaugural address.
“Deep down a guilty person cannot stop looking at his misdeed, his crime. Obama’s brilliant unconscious constantly comprehends his guilt and is incessantly moved to confess. Remember, the deeper mind speaks symbolically in a narrative language using key images. It is much like reading a parable,” he said.
“The first thing Obama does in his U.N. address is make reference to his foreign birth – exactly as he did in his 2009 Inauguration Day speech when his opening sentence introduced the word ‘borne’ and thus the question, ‘Where was I born?’” Hodges concludes.
“At the U.N., Obama begins to tell ‘about an American named … who was born in a town called … He came to love … the people of Africa … and he would carry that commitment throughout his life.
“His super intelligence, his deeper unconscious is actually saying, ‘I’m going to tell you the secret story of my supposed American birth – I was really born in Africa to which I have a lifelong commitment.’ His story pictures a foreigner traveling between America and Africa – matching an identical idea in his inaugural address,” the author explains.
“Next Obama unconsciously confesses his illegal presidency was a secret revolution against America. Obama instantly provides a second crucial birth marker linking ‘birth’ to ‘revolution,’” Hodges said. “Note the phrase: ‘the revolution, he supported the birth.’ The super-intel suggests that Obama, the foreigner in America, leads a secret revolution in which his foreign birth subverts America’s constitutional requirements.”
Hodges continues: “In his inauguration address, Obama repeatedly appealed to citizens to hold him to constitutional standards. He declared America was at ‘war against a far-reaching (foreign) network of violence and hatred’ – suggesting as a foreigner he had violently usurped the oath of office.
“In the U.N. speech, we find numerous calls for a change in leadership – Obama’s unconscious moral compass guiding America to the truth about his fraudulent presidency and what we need to do. Just one example,” he said. “‘We supported a transition of leadership … because the interests of the people were not being served by a corrupt status quo.’ His secret call for a change in the U.S. presidency matches his inauguration speech story about how his foreign-born father could not have been served in a Washington, D.C., restaurant – suggesting Obama cannot serve or be seated as an illegal president.”
Obama also called for a leader to emerge to lead the protests in the Middle East.
“We have seen peaceful transitions of power … a new president … a courageous dissident has been elected to parliament … Around the globe, people are making their voices heard,” Obama stated.
Hodges’ says Obama “again suggests that – should he win a second term – the people must march on Washington to oppose his presidency. Absolutely the only way he’ll ever be confronted.”
Hodges earlier said most people don’t understand the intensity and revelations in Obama’s statements.
He has, for example, endured a trauma that controls his life, and Hodges suggests Obama’s statements often imply “the exact opposite.”
In a column later, he wrote that research indicates the human subconscious reveals the truth about the person.
“Keep in mind the super intelligence possesses a deeper moral compass – guilty people confess especially when they get around God,” Hodges said. “Obama did so in his inauguration speech just after taking the presidential oath on Jan 20, 2009, with his hand on the same Bible Lincoln used, looking the chief justice and the American people – and, most importantly, God – in the eye, swearing to his intentions and identity. It is the most unique moment in American presidential inauguration history – and totally apart from race.”
[end of articles]
It almost makes me feel sorry for him. However, a severely disturbed person, like Obama, who purposely intends to destroy America from the inside out needs much more than just sympathy. It starts with getting him out of office before he does even more insurmountable harm to our beloved United States of America!!
Here's another article:
ROOTS OF HIS RAGE The secret messages in Obama's inaugural Exclusive: Dr. Andrew G. Hodges sees BHO's own words affirming 'illegal presidency' Published: 10/01/2012 at 7:02 PM
By Andrew G. Hodges, M.D.
As a forensic profiler, I read between the lines. I listen for a person’s unconscious mind to speak, not just their conscious words. In short we have had a breakthrough to the mind – to an unconscious “super intelligence,” which always tells the truth. Malcolm Gladwell in his 2005 best-seller, “Blink,” described the discovery of a “dazzling new unconscious” mind which “quick-reads” ourselves and situations in the blink of an eye and guides us through instincts.
Clinical research beyond “Blink” revealed this new unconscious also speaks by secretly patterning repeat symbolic messages. For example, if President Obama’s unconscious were confessing to a foreign birth, he might repeat the story code in different ways by talking of a “foreigner coming to America.” His super intelligence can repeat any specific confession in code – telling us if he is secretly a Muslim, for example. It is similar (albeit unconscious) to how parents will consciously speak in code around their kids.
In five key Obama communications – particularly in his inaugural address – he reveals a detailed unconscious confession to America of his deceptive plans. I described this in my recent book, “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury.”
Keep in mind the super intelligence possesses a deeper moral compass – guilty people confess especially when they get around God. Obama did so in his inauguration speech just after taking the presidential oath on Jan 20, 2009, with his hand on the same Bible Lincoln used, looking the chief justice and the American people – and, most importantly, God – in the eye, swearing to his intentions and identity. It is the most unique moment in American presidential inauguration history – and totally apart from race.
First we must understand his deepest motivations. Key stories in his autobiography (and elsewhere) reveal his great secret: He was nearly aborted; in his words he was nearly a “slaughtered innocent.” He never recovered from the near-abortion terror, that his father particularly wanted to destroy his life. As a child he learned this secret but kept it buried.
The inaugural address confirms this powerful story with striking abortion images. He begins with a reference to a “borne sacrifice” – suggesting he existed to be immediately sacrificed. Later he speaks of tormentors, “inducing terror and slaughtering innocents,” underscoring again the constant terror that controls him.
This utter powerlessness led to enormous repressed fury, the real roots of his rage – far greater than any inherited “anti-colonial rage.” (Previously, in “Dreams from My Father,” Obama unconsciously describes himself, writing of helpless, humiliated children who take the short step to “violence” and “untrammeled fury.”)
Secretly furious with his father, Obama misguidedly takes it out on America, referencing in his inaugural address “those who blame their ills on the West.”
Next he unveils exactly how he expressed this fury at America. Again, in his speech we see an immediate birth reference in the first sentence – he is “mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors.” The crucial birth marker (“borne”) suggests “The Question” – where was he born? Did he sacrifice the constitutional birth requirements of our ancestors? He introduces the birth issue more overtly declaring, “Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath.” But is he really an American? Immediately he describes the unusual nature of his particular oath. It was taken under cloudy “raging storm” conditions, implying he has just stormed violently and secretly against the oath – confessing he is not a legal president. Again, his self-description: “a raging storm.”
His sequence of ideas confirms the message. He then proclaims America is in a crisis – at “war against a far-reaching (foreign) network of violence and hatred” – again suggesting he has violently attacked the oath as a foreign citizen. He follows this with five references to the Constitution. Obama insists “We the People” have always lived by the Constitution – that it has been our way and must now be our way. Obama’s super intelligence in essence shouts “Remember the Constitution,” implying “I have just violated it – and created a constitutional crisis.” Obama’s illegal presidency reflects his misguided fury – a way of attacking America’s constitutional foundation. We must constantly keep his rage in mind, rage he will express in multiple disguised ways.
The rest of the inaugural speech confirms his confession. He repeats the story of foreigners crossing oceans to come to America. He repeats references to America fighting wars with foreign enemies including the British on our soil. Obama mentions America taking in a stranger. He presents repeatedly violent images such as a house being destroyed by a storm (again, Storm Obama) or a fire, suggesting he attacked the White House, symbolic of the presidency.
Numerous other images suggest an ineligible president: taking shortcuts, back-room deals that violate trust, the ground shifting beneath America and clinging “to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent.” Phenomenally, Obama will reference the Constitution innumerable times in his speech revealing a striking unconscious confession of violating it.
We find another key birth marker linked to two stories about his father, secretly about him. First, he notes people “watching today, from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born.” Here his super-intel confesses, “Everyone, see my journey from the small village in Africa where I was born to my presidency in this grand capital.”
Unconsciously, he links this story to a compelling appeal to the Constitution: “Our Founding Fathers drafted a charter to assure the rule of law. … Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience’s sake” – as he has just done.
Obama’s second father story was about how his foreign-born father in the past could not be served in a Washington, D.C., restaurant, suggesting Obama cannot serve or be seated as an illegal president. Once again, he links this story to a powerful constitutional reference: how all races should unite around our creed – “the price of citizenship.” His super intelligence confesses he lacks citizenship requirements – his illegal presidency is not about race.
Obama closes his inaugural address with a powerful story. Obama begins with another major birth marker pointing once more to his foreign birth and long journey to America. He advises us, “Mark this [inauguration] day with remembrance, of who we are and how far we have traveled in the year of … birth.”
He then tells the story of America’s unforgettable fight at our founding with the foreign enemy, the British, unconsciously suggesting he is the “common danger,” the foreigner we must battle today. Then he dramatically insists that only the Constitution – our virtue, our guarantee of freedom – will keep America together. We must fight the foreign enemy – his illegal presidency – and guarantee our children’s children will be sustained by loyalty to the Constitution, symbolic of America’s core foundation.
Consistent with an ongoing Alinsky-style secret attack from within, Obama unconsciously further predicts in his speech that he will attack America’s economic foundation. His criticism of the previous administration matched precisely his devastating economic policies – only worse.
He also secretly confessed that in his unconscious fury he would attack our national security. Obama predicts the ways he will use his energy will “strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.”
Other frightening images confirm the message of a “nuclear threat, and … the specter of a warming planet,” implying his decisions will heat up international tension making the world a far more dangerous place. This matches his scary confession in his earlier 2008 Father’s Day speech, speaking of “a world in grave danger because of what” he will do to the global political climate. How well these descriptions fit his enabling the rise of recent anti-American attacks in the Middle East, a nuclear Iran and a weaker America.
Could Obama be this angry, this dangerous to America? The answer remains. He was that wounded, a “slaughtered innocent” from the get-go now filled with unimaginable rage.
His super intelligence at his inauguration informs us in story form what must be America’s response: “Our challenges may be new (an illegal angry president),” but we meet them with “courage and patriotism.” His destructiveness will require the recognition “on the part of every American” that we have a “new era of responsibility” to our nation. We must all do our duty to the Constitution – “this is the price of citizenship.”
Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., a psychiatrist and forensic profiler, is the author of “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury.”
Obama's rage would go so far as to allow four men to die while he and his evil cohorts watched and DID NOTHING!!!
Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?
This is a Talk Wisdom Reports...You Decide kind of post.
However, so much of what is revealed by the forensic psychiatrist in the following two articles makes a lot of sense in deciphering the oft seen senseless, radical, America harming, possibly illegitimate, and dangerous pResidency of Barack Hussein Obama.
~ Christine
P.S. I personally think that watching Dinesh D'Sousa's documentary - 2016: Obama's America - helps to decipher Obama's hieroglyphics-type hints about his mindset; which leads us to the roots of his rage as well as the anti-American [stated as anti-colonialism in the movie] policies, practices, and unrelenting harm that he is doing against our nation.
The first article is entitled, WND: Forensic Profiler - Meet Obama The Sandman.
Copy of article:
Forensic profiler: Meet Obama – the 'sandman' Eminent psychiatrist reveals mysterious code in which America’s leader speaks Published: 09/15/2012 at 9:08 PM
WASHINGTON – An eminent psychiatrist and forensic profiler suggests Barack Obama is “confessing” to the American people who he is and what he wants to do to the country, but most citizens are just not trained to decode his messages.
Dr. Andrew G. Hodges, in his new book “The Obama Confessions,” makes the case that, because of the hurts he experienced in his young life, Obama has overcompensated with a sophisticated communication system that can be understood by reading between the lines of what he says.
What does that decoding reveal?
To understand Obama, says Hodges, one must see him as “the sandman” – the way he views himself because of the trauma in his life.
It was author and commentator Thomas Sowell who first drew the allusion to Obama as “the sandman.”
Learn “the Obama code” from Andrew Hodges’ “The Obama Confession” – now available in the WND Superstore.
“The track record of Obama’s pronouncements on a wide range of issues suggests that anything he says is a message written in sand, and easily blown away by the next political winds.”
But Obama has referred to himself as “the sandman.” What does he mean?
At a Jan. 19 fundraiser at Harlem’s legendary Apollo Theater, Obama took to the stage toward the end of the evening and broke out in song.
“It had been a particularly musical occasion and the president’s appearance followed several performers including soul singer the Rev. Al Green, whom Obama acknowledged,” Hodges explains in his book. “But the entertainers were expected to sing – Obama was only expected to speak.
Without warning, however, he delivered a surprisingly pleasing falsetto lyric, ‘I’mmm … sooo in love with you’ – the opening line from Green’s 1972 hit ‘Let’s Stay Together.’ Not believing their ears, the audience bursts into applause. After the ovation subsides, Obama takes it all in, then hesitantly glances toward his staff off stage right. Talking directly to them but also to America, he blurts out, ‘Those guys didn’t think I would do it. I told you I was going to do it.’”
But Obama added a comment most reporters missed.
“The sandman did not come out,” Obama said. “Now don’t worry, I can’t sing like you, but I just wanted to show my appreciation.”
Hodges says “the sandman” did indeed come out that night – and it was Obama, because that’s how he sees himself. It’s part of a pattern in his speech of denying the truth, saying the opposite of what he means.
“Blatant denials often imply the exact opposite – especially following Obama’s emphasis on overcoming denial – suggesting ‘the sandman did come out tonight.’ Indeed, he’s saying, ‘I am the sandman who came out on the stage tonight.’”
What is “the sandman” metaphor all about?
“The vivid image initially suggests something soft and yielding, something lacking a solid foundation,” explains Hodges. “There are other immediate possibilities, but in fact he leads in this very direction of weakness and something not real, not strong – something lacking in character – such as a president who would flippantly take a dare. Also ‘coming out tonight’ suggests coming out with a secret. Is he advising us to look closely at his character and ask fundamental questions to unearth the secret? Surely the character question also fits with telling Americans he has done something unimaginable, gotten elected president in spite of major character flaws.”
Previously, that same evening, Obama denied what he would do – insisting, “I’m not going to sing.” Then he sang. Then he insisted “the sandman” did not come out.
What does all this mean? Hodges writes:
In a Fathers’ Day speech on June 15, 2008, Obama addressed the congregation of the Apostolic Church in Chicago. This wasn’t just any Fathers’ Day but one on which he was campaigning to be America’s leader – the father of our nation.
Obama delivered the speech virtually spontaneously, almost off the cuff, and – on such a personal day for him – he surely wrote it himself. He opens with a striking story, a New Testament parable no less. At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus closes by saying, “Whoever hears these words of mine, and does them, shall be likened to a wise man who built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock.”
But Obama stops there, leaving out the second part of the parable about foolish builders erecting a house on a foundation of sand, but he refers to it extensively by implication – the centerpiece of his speech: “Now everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand: and the rains came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, and it fell. And great was its fall.”
A violent storm challenges the foundation of both houses. The home built on rock stands while the home built on sand collapses. Underscoring this parable on Fathers’ Day, Obama depicts fathers as crucial builders of homes, men who structure their children’s very foundations.
And he particularly emphasizes a son’s foundation. “Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives,” Obama tells us, “we are reminded today … that family is the most important. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation.”
“Obama compares two types of fathers, the involved father who builds solid-rock foundations in his kids and the absent father who builds weak foundations for his children, foundations ‘made of sand,’” writes Hodges. “Yet Obama, by omitting the second part of the biblical parable, shows that he simply cannot bring himself to say the words ‘sand foundation.’ Why? For him, that phrase hits too close to home.”
Obama continues: “I know what it means to have an absent father.”
“His words strongly suggest that the parable could be titled ‘How Obama Sr. built Obama Jr.,’” writes Hodges. “He was unconsciously pressured to tell us about that absent father, the foolish builder who left him with a worrisome foundation. Obama makes repeated scathing references to absent fathers – selfish, unavailable, irresponsible, immature, and destructive. He underscores lost boys who have no father to show them how to be a man. He then describes how such absent fathers produce sons with ‘behavioral problems’ which mirror their own. In short, Obama tells us that he is the sandman son of a sandman father, a father who failed to build a solid foundation of character in him but instead left him with nothing but sand inside. Obama in essence warns America that he would be like his father, lacking in integrity and prone to bad behavior which undermined the community. This according to the role model rule Obama so carefully establishes.”
Hodges continues: “Between the lines Obama has verified that an extremely painful trauma constantly lives inside of him. It doesn’t take much to reopen such a wound – ‘a hole’ in himself created by his absent father. That’s exactly what Obama later labeled it, ‘a hole,’ an emptiness within his inner self. Right off he has revealed the motivations that have controlled him his entire life. At the same time, he remains consciously in denial about his personal pain.”
Who is Hodges to draw such conclusions?
He has identified killers by studying ransom notes, emails, letters and police interviews to spot secret confessions. He decoded O.J. Simpson’s “suicide note” to confirm he had committed a double murder. He deciphered the JonBenet ransom note to identify the child’s killer. He studied statements by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe to tie them to the slaying of Natalee Holloway. He showed how Casey Anthony secretly confessed to killing her daughter in 200 letters written to a jail mate. He even decoded Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky confession-apology on TV, revealing the awful pain which led to Clinton’s self-sabotaging behavior. Hodges employs a unique psycholinguistic technique he calls “ThoughtPrint Decoding” to “read between the lines” of people’s statements – called “the cutting-edge of forensic science” by expert investigators.
Hodges examines Obama’s entire life story from his controversial and mysterious birth, to his Muslim childhood, to his earliest indoctrination by radical left-wing activists and finally to his historic ascension to the White House.
“Wherever we look, Obama demonstrates another major boundary violation – more disruption of America’s foundation,” explains Hodges. “His inaugural address again foreshadows the specific boundary he will attack next – in another caution to America. Here he repeatedly insisted on the preeminence of the rule of law and the Constitution, ‘Our Founding Fathers … drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man. … Those ideals still light the world.’”
It sounds good – on the surface. But that’s not what Obama meant, suggests Hodges. He meant exactly the opposite and was telegraphing, in Obama code, that he would follow a path that is the opposite of was the Founders had in mind.
“Of course, Obama himself remains in denial about the full extent of his intentionally destructive motivations, but we can be sure he is consciously aware of significant deception,” says Hodges.
“There is a famous phrase therapists use that applies here; we employ it to describe unconsciously intentional motives and actions: ‘accidentally on purpose.’”
Hodges contends Obama’s mind is secretly a master at describing such motives.
The second article: WND: Obama Confessing Ineligibility
A psychiatrist and forensic profiler who decoded O.J. Simpson’s “suicide note,” deciphered the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note and worked on the Natalee Holloway murder case now has analyzed the United Nations speech by Barack Obama and says the president confessed he’s ineligible for the Oval Office and told Americans they must use the Constitution to solve the problem.
Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., author of “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury,” at the suggestion of WND examined Obama’s Sept. 25 address at the U.N. and offered his analysis.
He uses a unique psycholinguistic technique he calls “ThoughtPrint Decoding” to “read between the lines” of people’s statements – called “the cutting-edge of forensic science” by expert investigators.
See all the details in Hodges’ book “The Obama Confession.”
On Hodges’ website, Steven A. Egger, associate professor of criminology at the University of Houston, Clear Lake, wrote that Hodges’ technique is “becoming the cutting edge of forensic science.”
“Dr. Hodges’ investigation of forensic documents in the Natalee Holloway case indicates that his ‘thoughtprint decoding method’ and ‘reading between the lines’ is, in fact, becoming a major contribution to law enforcement tools used by criminal investigators,” wrote Egger.
Hodges says in his analysis of Obama’s U.N. address that the president “continues to reference attacks on America and our Constitution.”
Obama said in the speech: “The attacks on our civilians … were attacks on America … we will be relentless in tracking down the killers and bringing them to justice.”
Hodges writes that Obama “again confesses his illegal presidency was an attack upon America, upon justice. So he promises to relentlessly track down his symbolic killing – destruction of – the Constitution.”
Obama said “the attacks of the last two weeks are not simply an assault on America. They are also an assault on the very ideals upon which the United [States] was founded.
Here, Hodges writes, Obama is “once more alluding to his constitutional attack. He can’t say it enough.”
Obama further stated the “answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution … yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. Moreover, as president of our country, I [accept that people are going to] call me awful things every day.”
Hodges says Obama “unconsciously reminds us that no one has confronted his blasphemy as a false president flaunting our most sacred beliefs — even as he calls his deed ‘awful.’ Obama’s succinct answer to his illegal presidency: enforce the Constitution.”
Hodges concludes that the remarks by Obama at the U.N. reveal truths similar to those he perceived in Obama’s inaugural address.
“Deep down a guilty person cannot stop looking at his misdeed, his crime. Obama’s brilliant unconscious constantly comprehends his guilt and is incessantly moved to confess. Remember, the deeper mind speaks symbolically in a narrative language using key images. It is much like reading a parable,” he said.
“The first thing Obama does in his U.N. address is make reference to his foreign birth – exactly as he did in his 2009 Inauguration Day speech when his opening sentence introduced the word ‘borne’ and thus the question, ‘Where was I born?’” Hodges concludes.
“At the U.N., Obama begins to tell ‘about an American named … who was born in a town called … He came to love … the people of Africa … and he would carry that commitment throughout his life.
“His super intelligence, his deeper unconscious is actually saying, ‘I’m going to tell you the secret story of my supposed American birth – I was really born in Africa to which I have a lifelong commitment.’ His story pictures a foreigner traveling between America and Africa – matching an identical idea in his inaugural address,” the author explains.
“Next Obama unconsciously confesses his illegal presidency was a secret revolution against America. Obama instantly provides a second crucial birth marker linking ‘birth’ to ‘revolution,’” Hodges said. “Note the phrase: ‘the revolution, he supported the birth.’ The super-intel suggests that Obama, the foreigner in America, leads a secret revolution in which his foreign birth subverts America’s constitutional requirements.”
Hodges continues: “In his inauguration address, Obama repeatedly appealed to citizens to hold him to constitutional standards. He declared America was at ‘war against a far-reaching (foreign) network of violence and hatred’ – suggesting as a foreigner he had violently usurped the oath of office.
“In the U.N. speech, we find numerous calls for a change in leadership – Obama’s unconscious moral compass guiding America to the truth about his fraudulent presidency and what we need to do. Just one example,” he said. “‘We supported a transition of leadership … because the interests of the people were not being served by a corrupt status quo.’ His secret call for a change in the U.S. presidency matches his inauguration speech story about how his foreign-born father could not have been served in a Washington, D.C., restaurant – suggesting Obama cannot serve or be seated as an illegal president.”
Obama also called for a leader to emerge to lead the protests in the Middle East.
“We have seen peaceful transitions of power … a new president … a courageous dissident has been elected to parliament … Around the globe, people are making their voices heard,” Obama stated.
Hodges’ says Obama “again suggests that – should he win a second term – the people must march on Washington to oppose his presidency. Absolutely the only way he’ll ever be confronted.”
Hodges earlier said most people don’t understand the intensity and revelations in Obama’s statements.
He has, for example, endured a trauma that controls his life, and Hodges suggests Obama’s statements often imply “the exact opposite.”
In a column later, he wrote that research indicates the human subconscious reveals the truth about the person.
“Keep in mind the super intelligence possesses a deeper moral compass – guilty people confess especially when they get around God,” Hodges said. “Obama did so in his inauguration speech just after taking the presidential oath on Jan 20, 2009, with his hand on the same Bible Lincoln used, looking the chief justice and the American people – and, most importantly, God – in the eye, swearing to his intentions and identity. It is the most unique moment in American presidential inauguration history – and totally apart from race.”
[end of articles]
It almost makes me feel sorry for him. However, a severely disturbed person, like Obama, who purposely intends to destroy America from the inside out needs much more than just sympathy. It starts with getting him out of office before he does even more insurmountable harm to our beloved United States of America!!
Here's another article:
ROOTS OF HIS RAGE The secret messages in Obama's inaugural Exclusive: Dr. Andrew G. Hodges sees BHO's own words affirming 'illegal presidency' Published: 10/01/2012 at 7:02 PM
By Andrew G. Hodges, M.D.
As a forensic profiler, I read between the lines. I listen for a person’s unconscious mind to speak, not just their conscious words. In short we have had a breakthrough to the mind – to an unconscious “super intelligence,” which always tells the truth. Malcolm Gladwell in his 2005 best-seller, “Blink,” described the discovery of a “dazzling new unconscious” mind which “quick-reads” ourselves and situations in the blink of an eye and guides us through instincts.
In five key Obama communications – particularly in his inaugural address – he reveals a detailed unconscious confession to America of his deceptive plans. I described this in my recent book, “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury.”
Keep in mind the super intelligence possesses a deeper moral compass – guilty people confess especially when they get around God. Obama did so in his inauguration speech just after taking the presidential oath on Jan 20, 2009, with his hand on the same Bible Lincoln used, looking the chief justice and the American people – and, most importantly, God – in the eye, swearing to his intentions and identity. It is the most unique moment in American presidential inauguration history – and totally apart from race.
First we must understand his deepest motivations. Key stories in his autobiography (and elsewhere) reveal his great secret: He was nearly aborted; in his words he was nearly a “slaughtered innocent.” He never recovered from the near-abortion terror, that his father particularly wanted to destroy his life. As a child he learned this secret but kept it buried.
The inaugural address confirms this powerful story with striking abortion images. He begins with a reference to a “borne sacrifice” – suggesting he existed to be immediately sacrificed. Later he speaks of tormentors, “inducing terror and slaughtering innocents,” underscoring again the constant terror that controls him.
This utter powerlessness led to enormous repressed fury, the real roots of his rage – far greater than any inherited “anti-colonial rage.” (Previously, in “Dreams from My Father,” Obama unconsciously describes himself, writing of helpless, humiliated children who take the short step to “violence” and “untrammeled fury.”)
Secretly furious with his father, Obama misguidedly takes it out on America, referencing in his inaugural address “those who blame their ills on the West.”
Next he unveils exactly how he expressed this fury at America. Again, in his speech we see an immediate birth reference in the first sentence – he is “mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors.” The crucial birth marker (“borne”) suggests “The Question” – where was he born? Did he sacrifice the constitutional birth requirements of our ancestors? He introduces the birth issue more overtly declaring, “Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath.” But is he really an American? Immediately he describes the unusual nature of his particular oath. It was taken under cloudy “raging storm” conditions, implying he has just stormed violently and secretly against the oath – confessing he is not a legal president. Again, his self-description: “a raging storm.”
His sequence of ideas confirms the message. He then proclaims America is in a crisis – at “war against a far-reaching (foreign) network of violence and hatred” – again suggesting he has violently attacked the oath as a foreign citizen. He follows this with five references to the Constitution. Obama insists “We the People” have always lived by the Constitution – that it has been our way and must now be our way. Obama’s super intelligence in essence shouts “Remember the Constitution,” implying “I have just violated it – and created a constitutional crisis.” Obama’s illegal presidency reflects his misguided fury – a way of attacking America’s constitutional foundation. We must constantly keep his rage in mind, rage he will express in multiple disguised ways.
The rest of the inaugural speech confirms his confession. He repeats the story of foreigners crossing oceans to come to America. He repeats references to America fighting wars with foreign enemies including the British on our soil. Obama mentions America taking in a stranger. He presents repeatedly violent images such as a house being destroyed by a storm (again, Storm Obama) or a fire, suggesting he attacked the White House, symbolic of the presidency.
Numerous other images suggest an ineligible president: taking shortcuts, back-room deals that violate trust, the ground shifting beneath America and clinging “to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent.” Phenomenally, Obama will reference the Constitution innumerable times in his speech revealing a striking unconscious confession of violating it.
We find another key birth marker linked to two stories about his father, secretly about him. First, he notes people “watching today, from the grandest capitals to the small village where my father was born.” Here his super-intel confesses, “Everyone, see my journey from the small village in Africa where I was born to my presidency in this grand capital.”
Unconsciously, he links this story to a compelling appeal to the Constitution: “Our Founding Fathers drafted a charter to assure the rule of law. … Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience’s sake” – as he has just done.
Obama’s second father story was about how his foreign-born father in the past could not be served in a Washington, D.C., restaurant, suggesting Obama cannot serve or be seated as an illegal president. Once again, he links this story to a powerful constitutional reference: how all races should unite around our creed – “the price of citizenship.” His super intelligence confesses he lacks citizenship requirements – his illegal presidency is not about race.
Obama closes his inaugural address with a powerful story. Obama begins with another major birth marker pointing once more to his foreign birth and long journey to America. He advises us, “Mark this [inauguration] day with remembrance, of who we are and how far we have traveled in the year of … birth.”
He then tells the story of America’s unforgettable fight at our founding with the foreign enemy, the British, unconsciously suggesting he is the “common danger,” the foreigner we must battle today. Then he dramatically insists that only the Constitution – our virtue, our guarantee of freedom – will keep America together. We must fight the foreign enemy – his illegal presidency – and guarantee our children’s children will be sustained by loyalty to the Constitution, symbolic of America’s core foundation.
Consistent with an ongoing Alinsky-style secret attack from within, Obama unconsciously further predicts in his speech that he will attack America’s economic foundation. His criticism of the previous administration matched precisely his devastating economic policies – only worse.
He also secretly confessed that in his unconscious fury he would attack our national security. Obama predicts the ways he will use his energy will “strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.”
Other frightening images confirm the message of a “nuclear threat, and … the specter of a warming planet,” implying his decisions will heat up international tension making the world a far more dangerous place. This matches his scary confession in his earlier 2008 Father’s Day speech, speaking of “a world in grave danger because of what” he will do to the global political climate. How well these descriptions fit his enabling the rise of recent anti-American attacks in the Middle East, a nuclear Iran and a weaker America.
Could Obama be this angry, this dangerous to America? The answer remains. He was that wounded, a “slaughtered innocent” from the get-go now filled with unimaginable rage.
His super intelligence at his inauguration informs us in story form what must be America’s response: “Our challenges may be new (an illegal angry president),” but we meet them with “courage and patriotism.” His destructiveness will require the recognition “on the part of every American” that we have a “new era of responsibility” to our nation. We must all do our duty to the Constitution – “this is the price of citizenship.”
Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., a psychiatrist and forensic profiler, is the author of “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury.”
Obama's rage would go so far as to allow four men to die while he and his evil cohorts watched and DID NOTHING!!!
Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?
Our President chose to let these four men fight for seven hours and die alone in that Benghazi compound. How and why did Obama decide not to help them?
Defeat Obama in 2012,
eligibility issues,
Obama epic fail,
Life That Never Ends
All the craziness, chaos, lies, sin, evil, and death in this fallen world can affect us negatively. This can cause health problems, depression, anxiety, fear and despair in our lives. However, the following devotional tells us the reasons why faith in Jesus Christ can sustain us through it all. If Christ be for us, who could possibly be against us? That question tells us of the eternal message of the cross - how believing in Jesus Christ and his sacrificial death on the cross for the forgiveness of sin - can be applied to us right now and save us from all that this fallen world would attempt to do against us!
The following message from Dr. David Jeremiah of Turning Point ministries informs us of when eternity enters our hearts, minds, and souls. It happens at the moment of conversion to belief in Jesus Christ!
God bless you this day! No matter what happens...even death...NO ONE can separate you (me, us) from the saving grace of Jesus Christ which leads to eternal life and forever relationship with the one true God!
~ Christine
Life that Never Ends
And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
John 17:3
"Eternity" is or has been the name of (at
least) three different movies, two different television series, eight different
music albums, eight different songs, a perfume, a mobile phone, a puzzle game, a
superhero (Kid Eternity), a Christian magazine, a newspaper, a science fiction
magazine... and more. It is ironic that a word that means "forever" is applied
to short-lived products.
Fortunately, when the Bible uses the
word "eternity" or "eternal" it means forever! In fact, for those who know God
through faith in Jesus Christ, eternity has already begun. The clearest
definition of eternal life is found in Jesus' prayer to the Father: eternal life
is knowing "the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom [God has] sent" (John
17:3). Eternal life is not the same as heaven. Heaven is a place, while eternal
life is entering into a personal relationship with God through Christ. That life
begins when we meet Christ and never ends -- not even when we die (John
Eternal life is a never-ending expression of God’s love -- the love that promises we will "not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).
Eternal life does not begin with death: it begins with faith.
Samuel Shoemaker
The following message from Dr. David Jeremiah of Turning Point ministries informs us of when eternity enters our hearts, minds, and souls. It happens at the moment of conversion to belief in Jesus Christ!
God bless you this day! No matter what happens...even death...NO ONE can separate you (me, us) from the saving grace of Jesus Christ which leads to eternal life and forever relationship with the one true God!
~ Christine
Life that Never Ends
And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
John 17:3
Reading Ecclesiastes 3:11 |
Eternal life is a never-ending expression of God’s love -- the love that promises we will "not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).
Eternal life does not begin with death: it begins with faith.
Samuel Shoemaker
Bible study,
Christian walk,
Cross of Christ,
eternal life,
Jesus Christ
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Glenn Beck Exposes Benghazi Lies and Cover-Up!
Glenn Beck on The Blaze T.V. exposes the Benghazi-gate lies and cover-up!!!
Hat Tip: Commie
Obama’s Massive al Qaeda Fast & Furious!
Video: Obama's October Benghazi Surprise Backfired and People Died
Clinton Counsel: Hillary Ordered More Security, But Obama Said, "No"
Hillary: We are Going to Prosecute The Youtube Video Maker
Also see:
The massive stores of U.S. supplied weapons and Qaddafi's weapons captured by Al Qaeda seems to be where Stevens' new role as Ambassador came into play, and perhaps explains the need for two warehouse in Benghazi. One of the great problems in dealing with militant Islamists is that they lack cohesion. There are so many different hostile groups and various tribes involved that they fight among themselves as quickly as they will fight a designated enemy.
With the NWO's agenda met of bringing Libya under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood, it was now imperative to create a semblance of peace there and divert the U.S. provided weapons, Qaddafi's captured weapons, and Islamic personnel to the next theater of war, Syria. That was where the new Ambassador was to come in. Unfortunately for him those unruly tribesmen seemed to have plans of their own.
There is a great lie taking place and most everyone by now are aware that the absurd anti Muslim video had nothing whatsoever to do with the Benghazi assault. Few, however, are aware that Benghazi had far more to do with providing various factions of militant Islam with weapons and little, if anything. to do with honest diplomatic efforts. Evidence, however, is emerging that Agent Stevens was at least partially successful in his mission to divert some arms from Libya, to Syria, via Turkey.
In this revealing Fox News video featuring Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge we find links to a mysterious ship that was used to transfer 400 tons of cargo containing SAM7 shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles(MANPADS), and RPGs. Qaddafi had approximately 20,000 of these MANPADS, each capable of knocking any aircraft out of the sky. They are claimed to be missing.
The great mystery of why the Ambassador was denied the protection he requested on multiple occasions is further complicated by the fact that there were so many other CIA operatives there. Reinforcements arrive on a chartered flight from Tripoli and later American personnel are evacuated on two aircraft. Excerpt from the previous link:
These vast caches of weapons are traveling both by sea and overland. Many are spreading throughout Africa spreading terror to unarmed people. Others will make it to Syria where still more death will be enacted. Still more will be aimed at our friends in Israel. Then we face the ultimate irony and as the Marxist Jeremiah Wright so rightly said about chickens coming home to roost, those weapons will be aimed at us as Islam spreads its hatred to our shores.
Perhaps I am getting to old for this "New America". I think back to my youth, my time in the U.S, Military, to what I learned from reading history a recall a giant among nations that went boldly into harm's way opposing the great evils of the world.
That evil existed in Egypt under Mubarak there is no doubt. He was overthrown simply by the political might of this nation, and replaced by a still greater evil. That Qaddafi was a merciless dictator, few would deny, and he has been replaced by far worse. Now we are involved in still another overthrow of a great evil in the form of Assad's Syria, and once again we endeavor to replace another tyrant with Islam and the hellish terms of Sharia it brings.
Oh, my beloved America, what has happened to you?
Hat tips to all links.
Hat Tip: Commie
Obama’s Massive al Qaeda Fast & Furious!
Video: Obama's October Benghazi Surprise Backfired and People Died
Clinton Counsel: Hillary Ordered More Security, But Obama Said, "No"
Hillary: We are Going to Prosecute The Youtube Video Maker
Also see:
The massive stores of U.S. supplied weapons and Qaddafi's weapons captured by Al Qaeda seems to be where Stevens' new role as Ambassador came into play, and perhaps explains the need for two warehouse in Benghazi. One of the great problems in dealing with militant Islamists is that they lack cohesion. There are so many different hostile groups and various tribes involved that they fight among themselves as quickly as they will fight a designated enemy.
With the NWO's agenda met of bringing Libya under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood, it was now imperative to create a semblance of peace there and divert the U.S. provided weapons, Qaddafi's captured weapons, and Islamic personnel to the next theater of war, Syria. That was where the new Ambassador was to come in. Unfortunately for him those unruly tribesmen seemed to have plans of their own.
There is a great lie taking place and most everyone by now are aware that the absurd anti Muslim video had nothing whatsoever to do with the Benghazi assault. Few, however, are aware that Benghazi had far more to do with providing various factions of militant Islam with weapons and little, if anything. to do with honest diplomatic efforts. Evidence, however, is emerging that Agent Stevens was at least partially successful in his mission to divert some arms from Libya, to Syria, via Turkey.
In this revealing Fox News video featuring Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge we find links to a mysterious ship that was used to transfer 400 tons of cargo containing SAM7 shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles(MANPADS), and RPGs. Qaddafi had approximately 20,000 of these MANPADS, each capable of knocking any aircraft out of the sky. They are claimed to be missing.
The great mystery of why the Ambassador was denied the protection he requested on multiple occasions is further complicated by the fact that there were so many other CIA operatives there. Reinforcements arrive on a chartered flight from Tripoli and later American personnel are evacuated on two aircraft. Excerpt from the previous link:
In the night, a team of reinforcements from
the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli arrives on a chartered aircraft at the Benghazi
airport and reaches the security compound.
Around 4 a.m.
The compound's building is hit by mortar fire.
The roof is hit and two security personnel are killed. One agent involved in the
attack from the beginning is severely wounded. The men decide to evacuate the
city entirely. They spend the next hours securing the annex and moving a large
convoy of vehicles to the airport. They evacuate on two
These vast caches of weapons are traveling both by sea and overland. Many are spreading throughout Africa spreading terror to unarmed people. Others will make it to Syria where still more death will be enacted. Still more will be aimed at our friends in Israel. Then we face the ultimate irony and as the Marxist Jeremiah Wright so rightly said about chickens coming home to roost, those weapons will be aimed at us as Islam spreads its hatred to our shores.
Perhaps I am getting to old for this "New America". I think back to my youth, my time in the U.S, Military, to what I learned from reading history a recall a giant among nations that went boldly into harm's way opposing the great evils of the world.
That evil existed in Egypt under Mubarak there is no doubt. He was overthrown simply by the political might of this nation, and replaced by a still greater evil. That Qaddafi was a merciless dictator, few would deny, and he has been replaced by far worse. Now we are involved in still another overthrow of a great evil in the form of Assad's Syria, and once again we endeavor to replace another tyrant with Islam and the hellish terms of Sharia it brings.
Oh, my beloved America, what has happened to you?
Hat tips to all links.
Benghazi Cover-Up,
Glenn Beck,
Obama Crimes,
Obama epic fail,
The Blaze,
traitors to America,
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